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And I believe that good journalism, good television, can make our world a better place.
– Christiane Amanpour
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Taiwan hosted the 13th Global Leadership Program from August 20 to August 26, 2023. The 2023 Global Leadership Program raises significant concerns regarding the ocean and sustainability. The delegates were encouraged to engage in conversations and learn as a group on how to address one of the most crucial aspects of existence—primarily the oceans, which are beginning to get polluted.
Sanata Dharma University. On August 18, an Instagram post went viral in which INSADHA (Inisiasi Sanata Dharma) was the main focus of the topic. The headline of that post – “Emang boleh ospek kampus tapi seniornya seramah ini?” – made netizens wonder about the friendliness of INSADHA itself. Many doubted that the seniors were only friendly in front of the camera. Others believed that it was just for content and clout.
Sanata Dharma University – The eagerly awaited yearly event of the English Letters Department finally returned for the second self-produced musical play performance, Harsa 2023. Taking the motto “Happiness doesn’t always come around,” Harsa 2023 follows the story of the prestigious and “happy” Harsa family whose members are each facing internal conflicts in their own stages of life. The oldest daughter in the family, Dira, is the most distant member of the family and becomes the center of this year’s play performance.
[23/6/2023] Sanata Dharma – A brand-new nonprofit community named Kucing Sadhar has been formed to preserve and improve the welfare of cats inside the Sanata Dharma campus, spanning from campuses 1 through 5. This community has been developed to address the concerns of Mr. Harris Setiajid, the founder, who noticed the dilapidated condition of cats on campus and has a strong interest in animal welfare.
Sastra Spotlight, the first-ever platform for literature enthusiasts under the Lit Collective Community first formed in May 2023 at the Beringin area Student Hall, Campus I. Sanctuary of Unease was chosen to be the theme of the Sastra Spotlight held on June 9, 2023. The topic encourages people to communicate their discomfort, anxiety, and other challenging emotions that they have felt safe and confident enough to share.
May 28, 2023 – After the last two years being held online, the JDF Open debate competition is finally held offline in collaboration with Sanata Dharma’s English Debate Society (EDS). The collaboration between both institutions has become the reason Sadhar Open this year is quite different from previous years. Together, the two institutes merged into JDF OPEN, a debate contest open to the public.
Sanata Dharma University. Lounging around the third floor of the Faculty of Letters building, four members of Avis Puppet Show were spotted preparing for their new puppetry project this year.
In commemoration of the 30th Dies Natalis, the Faculty Letters of Sanata Dharma conducted a webinar with the theme “Tanggung Jawab Insan Sastra Sebagai Global Citizen dalam Merespon Permasalahan Dunia” on April 3rd, from 09.00-11.30 a.m. The webinar has two sessions and was moderated by FX. Risang Baskara, M.Hum. and was attended by more than two hundred participants.
Sanata Dharma University. The slogan ‘smoke-free campus’ which prohibits smoking in the campus area becomes controversial among the members of Sanata Dharma University who smoke and do not.
Yogyakarta (4/13/2023) – Since the hall’s renovation began at Campus I Sanata Dharma University, demolitionists’ activities near the parking area have been a hassle for both staff and students.
Yogyakarta (15/04/2023) -The first Bincang Alumni & Malam Keakraban of the Faculty of Letters are held in Driyarkara Auditorium, Sanata Dharma University. As a celebration form of the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Letters, this event is held under the grand theme of “Peran Sastra dalam Menjawab Perkembangan Zaman”.
Sanata Dharma University. Since the library’s bag policy was re-implemented on the 13th of February, 2023, many students still bring their bags instead of leaving them at the locker station. The staff also no longer imply the regulation strictly.
As confirmed by one of the cleaning staff, the holes found in the roof of the ladies’ toilet, on the third and the fourth floor to be precise, have indeed been there for approximately five months ago until this day.
Linguistic Field Trip is one of the first contacts between SDU and HKU. This program is intended to be a crucial part of SDU’s future in increasing the quality of the university and the relationships between other universities abroad. “A way to become an international university,” Dalan, one of the advisors of this program, said.
Yogyakarta (27/03/2023) – The first Friday jamming (Frijam) of 2023 was held by the English Letters Music Organization (ELMO) on the 24th of March. It took place at Sunset Coffee & Eatery with “Nostalgia” as their main theme. Being the first ever event of the year, ELMO Frijam has greatly improved compared to the previous one.
Yogyakarta (18/03/2023) The first-ever Book Sharing discussion was held by Literature for Children and Young Adults (LYCA) Reading Club on March 17, 2023. Seventeen (17) people participated in the conversation which took place in S. 304. The theme of the book sharing was “Book Treasure“
Yogyakarta (11/03/2023) – The annual activity “Sastra Gives Back” strikes back this semester from February 25th to March 18th. Held in Sanggar Anak Alam, Kasihan District, Bantul Regency, DI Yogyakarta, 40 volunteers took turn each week to teach elementary school students English language from first to sixth grade.
Yogyakarta (15/10/2022) – After SEO Fighters and UI/UX Fighters Webinar, here comes the peak of INTEGRITY’s annual event: Journalispeak 2022 Seminar.
Yogyakarta (02/11/2022) – The end of the year is near and the time has come for the UKPS Award 2022. The event was held in room S. 302 and attended by approximately 40 students who represent the members of MIBA (Minat dan Bakat Mahasiswa) Division HMPSSING 2021/2022, the new cabinet of HMPSSING 2022/2023, and all representatives of the English Letters Students’ Activity Units.
It’s sunny outside, perfectly perfect weather to go on a picnic. She drives herself to a land full of white sands, a land where the waves excitedly greet her from the farthest horizon, a land where hermit crabs hide. She drives herself to a land where her dad is welcomed and peacefully rested.
“Uni’s been great, right?”
General Sheltron had meant it as a mere small talk starter, between unpacking the take-out food to the plates. But to his surprise, Aster’s eyes and voice light up. “Dad, how could it not?!”
/Song playing in the background/
*/Neath a faulted sky, cross loamless plains, and watered blight/
/Ah, were gone those days, once glory shone so brightly?/
/Fallen neath baleful wings dark as night/
Do you perceive the world the same as I do? The world in which we are able to control everything to our desire. Desire to live. Desire to survive.
When the sky looms in darkness
When mind lost all its sharpness
With madness rampant within
Up and down I see myself,
I live in a white box, surrounded by nothing in it. I do not see anything, I do not hear anything, and I speak nothing. Everything in this box is pure, halcyon, serene, and empty. I keep walking, and walking, and walking mindlessly. My mind is blank, like a white canvas that is untouched by an artist, like a poet who lost words, like a child who loses their imagination. I keep walking without thinking about anything. However, my legs do not tire, my body feels nothing. It feels like they are numb even when I regained consciousness.
As the world slowly recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, classes have started to return to in-person lectures, and businesses started recovering, the story goes the same for ONE OK ROCK, a Japanese rock band formed in Tokyo, Japan, in 2005. They, in my opinion, are best described as a “fluid” rock band, that holds their roots in the traditional youthful J-Rock style at heart, but was able to grow overseas and produce various genres of music within albums in their own original and unique sound.
On behalf of the old Heaven,
I woke from a deep slumber.
I plunged into the freezing-flowing river.
I smelled the fragrance of the whitish walls, the brownish planks, and the greenish plants.
Tastes of the old heaven, for the last time.
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