About Us

Who are we?

Integrity Online Magazine is a monthly magazine published by Integrity, a students’ activity unit of the English Letters Department, Universitas Sanata Dharma. It provides a space for students and lecturers to showcase their views and their best works in the world of writing. As the aspirations of every young soul in this world continue to grow, Integrity offers a seamless medium to accommodate those ambitions.

Watch this year’s rewind of our Journalispeak 2021 and a warm welcome from our 2021/2022 Core Committee.

Our Vision

As we aim to support the creative aspirations of the English Letters students and lecturers, we believe in the power of consistency and solidarity in our approach.

Our Mission

We strive to provide a space of creative freedom to accommodate the artistic pursuits of the English Letters students and lecturers while maintaining a compassionate and conscious approach in the publication of their and our works.

Meet our Team

Welcome to Integrity Online Magazine!

Integrity was born on 8 August 1997. In its early publication, Integrity was created by cutting-and-paste method because at that time there was no cutting-edge technology like today, which drives publications into a beyond-imagination realm. Despite such limitation and challenges, Integrity has survived for 24 years… and going stronger!

Since December 2020, Integrity has opted to fully migrate to online platform: integrityusd.com. The decision was accelerated by the pandemic, which forced human beings to interact virtually. The online mode has enabled Integrity to sail through the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world agilely with adaptive capability. The world has no longer been pinned down in time and space, so has Integrity. Although online mode is still an uncharted territory for us, we believe we can strive for a better and lasting magazine of Sastra Inggris USD!

Simon Arsa Manggala

Editor-in-Chief                         Vincentius A. Paulo Lintang Samodra

Secretary                                  Cherry Larissa Hendranata

Treasurer                                  Felisia Inggita

Journalists                               Agnes Seraphine (Coordinator)

                                                   Valentina Pascalia M

                                                   Erica Rafaella

                                                   Kenar Syalaisha Kanayana

                                                   Sultan Mahesadewa

                                                   Dulce Cicilia Sariri

                                                   Gregorius Beryl Satya Shira

                                                   Putu Beryl Putra Widyadhana 

Editors                                      Catherine Juliana (Coordinator)

                                                   Vonna Meisya Saputra (Quality Checker)

                                                   Ruth Tirza Arina (Quality Checker)

                                                   Nanda Pratama Putera Tomasila

                                                   Sitti Aminah Intan Utami

                                                   Yohana Satvika Wahyuvenda

                                                   Desca Geovani Kristi

Illustrators                               Ajeng Suci Hati (Coordinator)

                                                   Angelita Dayang Diva

                                                   Betsy Mariana Agoha

                                                   Kenar Syalaisha Kanayana

Web Developers                      Bunga Aprilia (Coordinator)

                                                   Gregorius Beryl Satya Shira

Publishers                                Cythia Purnamasari (Coordinator)

                                                   Betsy Mariana Agoha

                                                   Catharine Juliana

                                                   Valentina Pascalia M

                                                   Angelita Dayang Diva


Editor-in-Chief                        Vincentius A. Paulo Lintang Samodra

Secretary                                 Cherry Larissa Hendranata

Treasurer                                  Felisia Inggita

Journalists                               Agnes Seraphine (Coordinator)

                                                   Valentina Pascalia M

                                                   Erica Rafaella

                                                   Kenar Syalaisha Kanayana

                                                   Sultan Mahesadewa

                                                   Dulce Cicilia Sariri

                                                   Gregorius Beryl Satya Shira

                                                   Putu Beryl Putra Widyadhana 

Editors                                      Catherine Juliana (Coordinator)

                                                   Vonna Meisya Saputra (Quality Checker)

                                                   Ruth Tirza Arina (Quality Checker)

                                                   Nanda Pratama Putera Tomasila

                                                   Sitti Aminah Intan Utami

                                                   Yohana Satvika Wahyuvenda

                                                   Desca Geovani Kristi

Illustrators                               Ajeng Suci Hati (Coordinator)

                                                   Angelita Dayang Diva

                                                   Betsy Mariana Agoha

                                                   Kenar Syalaisha Kanayana

Web Developers                      Bunga Aprilia (Coordinator)

                                                   Gregorius Beryl Satya Shira

Publishers                                Cythia Purnamasari (Coordinator)

                                                   Betsy Mariana Agoha

                                                   Catharine Juliana

                                                   Valentina Pascalia M

                                                   Angelita Dayang Diva