Sanata Dharma University. The slogan ‘smoke-free campus’ which prohibits smoking in the campus area becomes controversial among the members of Sanata Dharma University who smoke and do not.
A non-smoker student from batch 2020 stated, “I disagree with the smoking ban regulation on campus because there are many students and staff who have smoking habits to relieve their stress and fatigue.” This student then suggested that smokers should be given a designated smoking area with the purpose to let them smoke freely without disturbing the non-smokers on campus.
A smoking student from batch 2022 disagreed with the slogan of a smoke-free campus. According to him, it was difficult to objectify this slogan because the majority of smokers are students. For this reason, he said, “Sanata Dharma University should provide ashtrays on every corner of the floor or make a gazebo for them to smoke.”
Responding to the students’ pros and cons, Anna Fitriati, a lecturer and the Vice Dean of Faculty of Letter stated that in Yogyakarta Governor Regulation Number 2 of 2017 Article 1 Paragraph 6, it is stated that educational institutions are public places in which smoking is prohibited. She then added that as an educational institution, Sanata Dharma University should comply with the applicable laws. According to Fitriati, she agreed to the enforcement of the smoking ban regulations on campus. She said, “As adults, students should be aware of following the rules in public places. If smoking is prohibited in a certain area, then they should not smoke there.”
To solve this problem, Fitriati also stated that at the beginning of the new academic year, the campus conducted socialization to distribute knowledge to the students of Sanata Dharma University about the smoking ban rule that they must obey. However, according to her, there are still many who were ignorant about these regulations. In order to set a good example for the students, lecturers and staff had also been urged not to smoke indiscriminately.
Fitriati also advised smokers not to smoke indiscriminately because it could pollute the environment and disturb non-smokers. She also added that non-smokers could also advise those who smoke in off-limit areas to do it in the designated areas wisely and politely.
Answering all suggestions and solutions related to the smoking ban policy on campus from the government, which had received many cons from members of Sanata Dharma University, HB. Prasetyo W. as the Head of the Facilities and Infrastructure Bureau confirmed that they had planned the construction of designated shelter facilities in open spaces at Campus 1, 2, and 3, which were planned to be built this year. “The budget has been given to build at least one smoking shelter on each campus,” he said.
Regarding the smoking ban regulations, Prasetyo also gave his opinion about it. “This policy is subjective. If I am a smoker, then I do not agree, but because I am a non-smoker, I agree.” He also added, “I just follow the rules, that is why I do not forbid it, and we will provide a place for smoking because such a habit cannot vanish just like that, it needs a process.”
Journalist: Dulce Cicilia Sariri
Editor: Yohana Satvika Wahyuveda, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)