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13th Global Leadership Program: Empowering Young Leaders to Build Sustainable Future

(All the delegates and team of GLP 2023 (taken by: Lin Che Chi, documentation section of GLP 2023))

Taiwan hosted the 13th Global Leadership Program from August 20 to August 26, 2023. The 2023 Global Leadership Program raises significant concerns regarding the ocean and sustainability. The delegates were encouraged to engage in conversations and learn as a group on how to address one of the most crucial aspects of existence—primarily the oceans, which are beginning to get polluted.

The Global Leadership Program is a yearly no-credit course offered by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities – Asia Pacific (AJCU-AP). Sanata Dharma University from Indonesia, Fu Jen Catholic University from Taiwan, Sogang University from South Korea, Sophia University from Japan, and Ateneo de Manila University from the Philippines are the five Jesuit universities that have joined this program. With an emphasis on emerging global concerns, GLP allows students to enhance their international and interdisciplinary leadership skills. “Our Blue Planet – Ocean and Sustainability” was the 13th Global Leadership Program’s subject and focal point. 

The week-long Global Leadership program is conducted. GLP’s implementation focuses on a number of key goals, including the development of Ignatian leadership through lectures, presentations, fieldwork, and cultural performances. The entire delegation from each university left for Taiwan on August 20 and the program’s activities began on August 21 with the opening ceremony and program introduction. Dr. Hung-Chun Liu’s keynote address covered the transnational exchange program for marine education and ocean sustainability as the activities progressed.

(Erica Rafaella, one of the delegates of Sanata Dharma University, was doing the presentation (taken by: Chen Mark, documentation section of GLP 2023))

Following the keynote address, each university’s delegation will provide a report on the country in line with the subject. Each university sent six delegates, divided into three teams based on three sub-themes: 1. Ocean and Environmental Protection; 2. Ocean and Indigenous People; and 3. Ocean and Migration. To discuss the sub-theme, all of the delegates engaged in pair discussions. 

The delegates from each country were then divided and required to join friends from other nations who shared the same sub-theme. On August 22, according to their sub-theme, delegates then go on separate field trips. The day after the first field trip on August 23, the presentations were delivered, and the delegates from the three sub-themes learned from one another. 

The cultural exchange was one of the activities that came after the presentation. Each delegate should exhibit their particular culture. The closing ceremony occurred that day, and all delegates received certificates afterward. 

(All the delegates and team of GLP 2023 at Farewell Dinner (taken by: the restaurant’s staff))

“Since this is my first time representing the college while traveling abroad, I am so proud. The activities held there were really well-planned. We learned, got lectures, gave presentations, and created projects out of sea waste, and also the knowledge I got there was amazing and had a positive impact on my life and those of my friends,” said Merry Christiana, the team leader of Sanata Dharma delegates. 

The “Ocean & Sustainability” theme of the 2023 Global Leadership Program introduces their participants on how to address global issues. Furthermore, delegates took part in a DIY project using sea waste that is anticipated to reduce waste sustainably.

Velisita Depista, one of the delegates of Sanata Dharma, said that it was a pleasure getting to know other university delegates and learning about other perspectives and cultures. Global Leadership Program taught commitment and duty to the student representatives who represent Sanata Dharma University. GLP was only held for one week, but it was an extraordinary experience that will not be forgotten.

On August 25, together, the delegates took a field trip to Heping Island Park. The delegates then went sightseeing at several spots. A farewell dinner brought the event to a close. The delegates split up on the seventh day to return to their countries. 


Journalist: Erica Rafaella

Editor: Desca Geovani Kristi & Ruth Tirza Arina

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