Creative Writings Features

The Guilt: A Short Movie at the Screening Premiere by String Movie Maniacs

(Question and answer session with the director, writers, cast, and crews of the The Guilt short movie. Photo taken on August 18, 2023 by Dulce.)

The short movie The Guilt premiere screening was held on 18 August 2023. This movie was produced by String Movie Maniacs (SMM) and was directed by Ruth Loemaria. The Guilt tells the story of two best friends, Alice and Max, who have their own problems yet make bad decisions for them in the end.

There are some moral messages that Ruth and everyone involved in this movie want to convey. “Through this movie, we want to convey a message to not self-blame, and also try to communicate your problem with those close to you to avoid miscommunication, as happened to Alice and Max in this movie.” She then added, “If a friend of ours tells their story and needs help, listen to them and do not underestimate the problem.”

Ruth states, “The process of making this movie was quite facile.” She said the process went smoothly because of the dedicated cast, crews, and all parties involved. Although the film-making process went smoothly and took around two to three months, some problems appeared during pre- and post-production. “Most of our problems happened when we shot in open spaces, especially during street scenes because many vehicles or people were passing by while filming, so we had to cut many times.”

Apart from the producer, the cast and crew also had several problems. According to Carmelia Maria Widyandari, who played Alice, she had experienced constraints as an actress. “My problem happened during the screaming scene that had to be repeated many times due to external problems, and I felt bad enough for disturbing the locals if I kept screaming.” The crew who took part stated that they also encountered problems when their recording tool kept beeping, and he also had mood swings when editing the film that he needed more time to edit.

As one of UKPS String Movie Maniacs’ projects, The Guilt will be shown at the Potluck Party event to attract the interest of new English Letters students as SMM’s prospective members. Apart from that, this short movie is expected to be included in three film festivals in Yogyakarta, which are the Jogja Film Academy and Seoul Screening, which have been included in community forums, and at a film festival held by ISI (Institut Seni Indonesia) Yogyakarta. The Guilt has entered the submission process to participate in the Jogja Film Academy Festival.



Journalist: Dulce Cicilia Sariri

Editor: Yohana Satvika Wahyuveda, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Reporter: Valentina Pascalia

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