Beauty Features

Getting to know Makeup Art from One of English Literature Student’s Perspective: Helena Nathania Yohani

Makeup is an art for people who love it. English Literature students themselves must be familiar with makeup; they mix and match their outfits with makeup to support their appearance. Makeup that is very popular among English Literature students is daily makeup which looks natural and simple. However, it turns out that there is also a student who does makeup outside of daily makeup, namely makeup art. Helena Nathania Yohani, or often called Hani by her friends, is an English Literature student who likes to make makeup art and makes it a hobby. Even though Hani herself admits that makeup art cannot be used when doing daily activities, she still does it to channel her hobby and love for makeup.

During the interview, Hani explained that when she learned about makeup art, she thought that makeup art was very cool and it was rare for people to do makeup art, especially in Indonesia. According to her, makeup art itself is not very popular among English Literature students. “There may be some people who do makeup art, but it’s not popular yet. Maybe it’s because it’s hard to do makeup art and it can’t be used every day,” said Hani. She also added that students who use makeup art are students who will perform performing arts, such as students who take part in theatre and dance activities. “In Sanata Dharma, those who usually wear makeup art are student organizers, which are Theater and Tutu Club,” she added.

Hani herself started liking makeup since she was little. She knows and loves makeup through her aunt. “When I was little, my aunt really liked to make me up. After a while I got used to it and even liked it,” she said. Hani also said that when she first started makeup, she didn’t do makeup art right away. She first tried regular makeup like daily makeup and started trying western-style makeup with bolder colours. At first, she was also not confident when she first tried makeup, but when she was in middle school she started to dare to show her makeup results. Hani said that her aunt was an inspirational person and also motivated her to always do and experiment with makeup, especially makeup art. “I am very grateful to my aunt because she has always supported my hobby.”

Hani did makeup art for the first time in 2012 and she still didm’t have a concept for her makeup art. However, after trying several times, she finally decided to look for inspiration and the concept of makeup art on google and Pinterest. The results are not very satisfying because you can say she is still beginners, but over time they will improve. Not only from google or Pinterest, Hani also gets inspiration from artists who do makeup art on Instagram. Even Hani said that filters from photo applications such as Snapchat could be an inspiration for her to create makeup art.

To do makeup art, Hani usually uses a small painting brush, makeup brush, beauty blender, face panting, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. “There are not many tools that are used, and they are easy to get at cosmetic stores, stationery shops for painting brushes, and of course online shops,” added Hani. She often buys her tools at online shops, but for paintbrushes, she prefers to buy them at a stationery shop.

Hani also shared a few tips for English Literature friends who want to try makeup art. When you just want to start doing makeup art, the first thing to do is buy face paint, a small painting brush for details, and a makeup brush. “You don’t need to buy an expensive one, just buy one that fits your budget. For those who can’t buy it, you can also use colourful eyeshadow, eyeliner, and eyebrow pencil to make drawing patterns and do the makeup art,” she said. Hani gave several online shop recommendations to buy makeup art equipment, such as ArtpediaShop (water-based face paint),, which can be found at shopee, and @valltanata a beauty vlogger who sells oil-based face paint and also makeup equipment. Others that can be found on Instagram. Hani also suggests looking for makeup art inspiration on google and Pinterest because there are so many choices of simple makeup art that beginners can try. You can also find information and inspiration for makeup art on Instagram by following a beauty vlogger from Indonesia.

“For friends who have or want to try makeup art, just try it first, keep working, just be confident. If you want to post on social media like Instagram, just post it, you don’t have to care about likes and comments,” said Hani encouraging friends who might be trying to start working on makeup art. Hani also added that we shouldn’t care too much about what people say; do what we really want to do, the most important thing is that we can still channel our hobbies and also the works of makeup art that we have made. According to Hani, the most important thing is that we feel happy and proud of ourselves for the works we have produced.

Journalist: Theresia Paskah Prastiti 

Editor: Michael Tan 

Current News

Latest Update on UKPS AVIS: The Release of Youtube Video

Yogyakarta (6/7/2021) – Integrity had the opportunity to interview the representatives of UKPS AVIS Puppet Show: Daniella, Clarissa, and Rian. The batch 2018 trio shared with us their UKPS’ latest activities during this current pandemic.

Daniella or “El”, The Chief of UKPS AVIS, elaborated that their motivation to release the video project in Youtube is to make sure that AVIS, through online platforms, could remain active as one of English Letters’ student organizations, as well as specifically to maintain positive interraction and communication between all of the members during off-campus period. The release of video contents in Youtube is also meant to introduce AVIS’ to the bigger audiences, not only to USD’ faculty and students, but also to the public beyond the home campus.

Their initial plan is to produce videos within four categories which are tutorial, story-telling, infographic, and annual project. Based on our last observation at their Youtube channel, there are already two uploaded videos. The recent one is a creative tutorial entitled “How To Make A Sock Puppet: Tutoravis” which was released in April last year.  Clarissa. The Head of AVIS’ Content Creator, told us that for this video, Javier from vatch 2019, was the one chosen to be responsible to produce and direct the entire creative process of the video. It is known that AVIS splits their projects’ responsibility equally, so that everyone in the UKPS could experience to produce videos. When being asked what are their concept and theme in making videos, Clarissa told us that their main inspiration rather derived off the members’ “personal” “free” thoughts as well as  aspiration, so that the creativity, which is prominent in AVIS’ core works, would not be limited.

Rian, one of the editors in the team, said that it could took approximately two weeks for AVIS’ video creators and editors to produce a proper video content, while he also points out that their challenge, at this current moment, is pretty much regarding the inavailability of proper time to involve in a project. The limitation of members also took part in creating the peculiar challenge faced by AVIS from time to time.

As a closing, AVIS hopes that they could build a better communication to support their on-going online activities. As the new semester is approaching, they also put target to finish all of their work plans as reserved in the initial budgeting period. As an organization which focuses in a creative hobby which is still not that profound in the regional and national level, AVIS expects more members to join with them in the future. 

For now, let’s support AVIS by giving them likes & subscribes in their Youtube Channel “Avis Puppetry” and keep looking forward for their upcoming activities!


Reporter: Theresia Paskah Prastiti

Writer: Nathaniel Alvino R. Prima

Editor: Michael Tan

Features Lifestyle

Starting Your Own Business: Devaneira’s Thrift Shop, ‘@neyrooms’

When the pandemic outbreak started around March 2020 and the students were forced to hide at home, Deva  (184214062) lost all of her monthly stipends since she had to return to her hometown. Thus, with her minimum availability of money, she started to think of any possible strategy to turn the situation around. Departing from her very own hobby in fashion, she decided to open a thrift store in Instagram – well, the batch 2018, actually, aspires to open her own fashion brand, but “That’s a future shot” as Deva said.

With now more than 21k (yes, twenty one thousands) followers and monthly income surpasses 6 – 8 millions rupiah, Deva’s thrift store, @neyrooms in Instagram (you have to follow and check them out!), has now developed massively in comparison to its starting point a year ago. It’s not exaggerating to say that the business is a beautiful success. Deva’s struggles, in the midst of her juggling between academic responsibilities and personal lives, are truly paid – especially in addition to the fact that every effort (connecting to supplier, doing marketing & promotion, conducting photoshoot for online catalogue) in the business are being done fully by Deva herself, independently. Really cool, right?


For whoever is inspired and interested, Deva is generous enough to share with us further about some of her prominent tricks in doing online thrift shop – based on her real experience as a digital businesswoman:

  1. Rebranding

A constant rebranding is important for whoever turns themselves into the fashion business. The key lies in trend awareness! One day, sweatpants were a mad hype, and the other day it might be sweaters. In this case, staying updated on the fashion market is very necessary. While it’s also okay to change your collection from time to time. Accordingly, you need to fully recognize your customers and markets.

  1. Patience

As an online-based business, handling the customers as well as courier service could be tricky and challenging at some points. It needs a whole lot of patience. One time, Deva’s goods were lost during the delivery and she didn’t have much of an option, but to declare it to the customers. Choosing the right courier service and maintaining good communication with the customer are very important.

3. Starting from smalls

Many people, fatally, aim for a big shot when they just start their own business. Deva chooses to disagree. She believes that a good business has to be initiated from scratch and small steps. Do not ever hoard goods stocks, because it will be much more difficult for you to sell later.

4. Last but not least, resilience

“It might be cliche, but do not ever give up!” Deva said. You have to keep going when you encounter challenges along the path. Certain negative thoughts might kill your will, and they are something that you have to dismiss since the very start. At the end of day, if you truly put time, effort, and patience into doing your business – in whatever it is – it shall work!

Journalist: Nathaniel Alvino Risa Prima

Editor: Michael Tan

Features Lifestyle

The Important Things in Running a Business: Andra Febri Aura

Since high school Andra (194214166) has been helping his father in running his family’s aquarium decoration business. Their shop named ‘Bang Jo’ sells many types of aquarium as well as other things such as sands, rocks, wood decorations, and many more. The shop earns approximately 5 million rupiahs per month.

According to Andra, there are three important things to do when running a business.

The first one is patience. In running a business, patience is very important. “We don’t know what kind of customers we get. So controlling emotions is very important,” said Andra. Besides dealing with customers, there are times when the incoming orders are out of control, either very much or not at all. So patience is the key to business success.

The second important things is finding connections. Social media has an important role in finding connections to get the best materials from suppliers. Andra uses the Facebook group to find supplier connections. He said, the downside of using social media to get connections is not being able to know the quality of the goods clearly, so to ensure the quality, he must go to the supplier directly. However, on the other hand, with social media, these connections are easier to obtain.

The final step is promoting and advertise. Once again, social media plays an important role in the business. He uses Facebook to advertise his shop. “For hobby items, Facebook has the best marketplace,” said Andra. He uses a Facebook group to advertise his product. He said in general, every times he post something in the group he could bring up to 25 customers.

In conclusion, according to Andra, there are three important things in running a business, namely patience, connection, and promotion. Patience is important to deal with customers and order conditions. Finally, to get connections and do promotions use social media as effectively as possible.

Journalist: Michael Surya D.P

Editor: Michael Tan 

Features People

Liveliness from Passion: Reyna Qotrunnada Salsabillah

Yogyakarta, (05/08/2021) —As part of English Literature 2020, Reyna Qotrunnada Salsabillah is a student who actively participates various activities in campus. On this occasion, Reyna shared her experience of participation in campus activities such as Class Meeting 2020 and took part in big events such as Insadha 2021. Reyna have ambition to participate in activities that had a wide range that utilize her own passion.

Reyna has her passion in arts, especially in music and singing. Thus, she decided to join Siesen in Insadha 2021. Her goal joining Insadha 2021 is to be able to sing jingle songs which is sung by many students in campus. Not only that, earlier in her freshmen year, Reyna also participated in the song cover competition during Class Meeting 2020 and she won the competition that made her class feel proud. Her other hobbies when she has free time are reading books, watching movies, listening to music to add a lot of vocabulary. Outside of campus activities right now she is taking in her friend short films’ project as a scriptwriter and also taking part in the selection of soundtracks.

Of course, participating in various activities in campus and outside has advantages, such as having many friends and relations as well as gaining knowledge which is very precious and useful for the future. But also campus activity and her outside activity can be really hectic. Even though she is very busy, she also said that she’s lucky to have her friends near her “I’m very grateful to have many friends who always support and worry about her health because she joined many activities on campus.”

Her next goals in campus activities are that she wants to explore Sanata Dharma more. Explore all activities and people to find new experiences, friends, and knowledge. She also wants to bring something positive for Sadhar, whether from small things like my singing activities or later maybe other activities. Reyna still wants to attend big events outside campus to find new experiences and knowledge despite the pandemic. In the end, she clearly stated that she will not be leaving her academics behind, as it is as important as her desire to have her music & her work noticed and remembered well on campus.


Reporter: Sara Immaculata Terra I.

Writer: Fatimah Fauziah

 Editor: Michael Tan

Features Lifestyle

How does men dress up in English Letters? : Adrian Febriyanto

English Letters USD’s students are quite famous for their unique and bold fashion sense. Due to the non-strict regulation of dress code in this department, many of their students expressed their own self through fashion style. Adrian as one of English Letters USD also believes that the advantage of being part of this department is to be able to have the freedom of speech and act. The unique thing about fashion in English Letters department, it isn’t only for women. There are also a lot of men seen dressed up in this department.

In this interview, Adrian explained how men’s fashion has changed drastically especially from the Age of Conformity (1950s) to nowadays. From the age where everything seems just black and white and also conservative to the age where there are a lot of options for men to explore. He said, “now men’s fashion has changed and it’s getting wider, men can wear anything they want and no longer have to show his masculinity, they can wear skirts, crop tee and so on as long as it makes them comfy”.

However, in Indonesia, society still views men’s fashion as showing masculinity to look cool. Adrian believes that Indonesia has double standard in men’s fashion for example when Jefri Nichol wore skirts in his IG, people seem fine in the comment section.  But then, when non-celebrity men using the same things like skirts, people tend to judge or be sentimental about it.

Adrian believes in the principle that fashion is genderless. “Fashion can be worn by anyone without seeing their gender especially in 2021 right now everything has changed. Men can wear skirts, pearl necklace or even crop tee, heels and the otherwise, women also can wear jeans, tuxedo, hat, pantofel” he said.  He also stated that the stigma of fashion boundaries between men and women has low-key faded.

In the relation to the freedom that English Letters student has, Adrian believed that fashion in the department has no boundaries. He said, “EL students have the perks to dress up as we want and no one will judge you”. Adrian always expresses himself through fashion, even when he goes to campus (before the pandemic). He explained his own fashion as something that makes him comfy. “I always buy something oversize, either clothes or pants, because I really like when it looks loose when I wear it, and I always see what occasion that I head to”. Adrian always prepared his outfit to campus the night before. “I always prepare my outfit to be variative and make an extra effort to it, because whenever I did this, it makes me more excited to go to campus”.  

Adrian’s campus outfits mostly consist of t-shirt rather than collar shirts. But not only with a basic t-shirt as he mixes and matches it with other accessories such as Balinese cloth, collar, and tote bag. For the bottom, Adrian’s go-to is boyfriend jeans. The point is every day has to be different, may add some details or change the details.  

For hangout after the class outfit, Adrian has several tips. Start with the top, try to wear a basic tee that could be oversize or the fit one. Then mix it with boyfriend jeans and for the footwear, use converse 70’s. For the details you can also add a necklace and ring but, if you want to wear anything else that are more suitable for you are also suitable. “, if want to wear a skirt and crop tee, that is amazing as well, because when you are confident anything you wear will look totally cool”.

Most of his stylish outfit, he got it from IG thrift shops. “I highly recommend you to buy on thrift shop especially on IG. No need to buy something expensive because from the thrift shop u can get cool clothes, pants, and stuff”.  He recommended several of his go-to stores: @fuckyeahendy, @vaga3ond, @_dindayasmin, and @davidguison. 

At the end, Adrian believed that the most important thing is to be yourself and don’t think about someone’s opinion, just be comfortable in your own style. “Find your own style and when you think it is cool wear it because your uniqueness is something that you should be proud of and just ignore what people think,” he said.


Journalist: Sara Immaculata Terra I.

Editor: Michael Tan