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Recent Renovation at Campus I USD Causes Minimum Parking Issue

The Renovation progress of the parking area (Picture taken by Kenar)

Yogyakarta (4/13/2023) – Since the hall’s renovation began at Campus I Sanata Dharma University, demolitionists’ activities near the parking area have been a hassle for both staff and students. 

Because of the limited parking space, students have to get clever to park their vehicles in the temporary spot. Although there is a basement parking spot, it is usually reserved only for cars and those who come earlier to claim their spot. This causes quite a ruckus among those who come late to the Campus I parking spot.

Juari explaining the history of the parking area (picture taken by Beryl)

“The parking lot has been there since 1994,” Juari said. Back then, there were no problems with the size of the parking lot because of the low number of students. Fast forward to this current stage, a larger parking space is absolutely necessary to contain the growing number of students. 

“I think it began with the construction of the Economic Faculty that the parking lot became a bit cramped,” he added, “as for now, the parking lot is still manageable, though sometimes it can be disorganized. Many motorcycles have collided with one another these days.”

As a result, the security guards need to be more active in organizing the students around the parking lot. “We hope that after the renovation, the parking lot’s condition should be normal again, and the students can park their vehicles without hassle anymore.”

Gerald Widyo Utoro, a student of USD English Letters, has expressed his thoughts about the parking space issue. Since he lives quite far from campus, he has to come early to get his motorcycle parked, but since the renovation began, he has been extra careful in choosing his parking spot.

Gerald prefers using a motorcycle, though it means he has a higher chance of finding a parking spot. He said, “Even though I found a parking spot, sometimes my motorcycle still collides with other motorcycles.” 

That had caused a few scrapping in his motorcycle surface layer. Still, the only thing that students of USD can do now is to hope that the university committee will provide extra parking space for the student’s vehicles.

Nevertheless, another Sanata Dharma University named Audrey Rosari complained about the minimum parking space at Campus I Sanata Dharma University when she was hanging out. She said that students have difficulties in finding a parking spot often. As such, students have to park their motorcycle on Campus II.  “They said that they’re tired of walking to Campus I from Campus II every so often,” Audrey added. 

When asked about the possibility of using TransJogja or ojol (ojek online) to decrease the increasing growth of students’ vehicles, she admitted that she preferred to use her own motorcycle. “I could use TransJogja, though the nearest bus stop to my house is around 1 km. It can be pretty tiresome to walk that distance every day. As for ojol, I’ve used it once in a while before, but I would not use ojol in the long run. The cost of using ojol from my house to the campus is quite expensive.”

“I guess an advice I can give is to make a specific vast parking place,” Audrey suggested, “imagine the basement of malls. Usually, malls have two to three basement floors built specifically for parking spaces.”

She knew her suggestion was not realistic for the near future, but she had hoped it could be done in more or less ten years from now on.


Journalist : Kenar Syalaisha Kanayana

Editor: Nanda Pratama Putera Tomasila, Vonna Meisya Saputra (QC)

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