Yogyakarta (02/11/2022) – The end of the year is near and the time has come for the UKPS Award 2022. The event was held in room S. 302 and attended by approximately 40 students who represent the members of MIBA (Minat dan Bakat Mahasiswa) Division HMPSSING 2021/2022, the new cabinet of HMPSSING 2022/2023, and all representatives of the English Letters Students’ Activity Units.
“Today’s event is a series of events which aim to give our appreciation to UKPS members for a period of their work in UKPS,” according to Nikolaus Herjuno, the Head of HMPSSING 2021/2022, in his opening speech. To explain, the appreciation was given in the form of nominations and rewards for the best English Letters Students’ Activity Units in five categories.
- The most impactful UKPS: English Letters Academic Club (ELAC),
- The most improved UKPS: AVIS Puppet Show,
- UKPS who has the fastest progress in finishing their project report (LPJ): English Debating Society (EDS),
- UKPS who has the best synergy within the team: INTEGRITY, and
- UKPS who holds great significance within the field of English Literature: Literature for Children and Young Adults (LCYA).
In-between the rewarding sessions, Farell, the Head of MIBA HMPSSING 2021/2022, added some fun ice-breaking riddles and challenges for the audience. At first, the questions were receh and easy to answer that it invited a lot of laughter from the audience. However, as the event went closer to the end, the questions became heavier. For example, “In your opinion, what are the three things that should be improved in Indonesia?”
The question was answered by three brave audiences, explaining various matters regarding unequal access to education, lack of financial literacy, climate change, food diversification issues, and many more. Although at first the challenge might seem irrelevant to the main event, Farell emphasized that their answers show just how critical and potential the students of the English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University can be.
Similarly, he hopes that under this new period of UKPS’ management, stronger motivations can be pursued for the improvement of students’ potential in the English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University.
Journalist: Agnes Seraphine
Editor: Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)