Creative Writings Poem

A Symphony of Memories

In the chaos of life, my hands were molded into feet.

I see something that shapes us, something sweet.

It is indeed the glorified version of life, nurturing ephemeral moments like the sheath of a knife.


Hold tight, my dear friend; we knew this fate would not be the same.

It is different yet tempting to end.

Toy cars, the old mango tree, and sounds from the early days are framed.


I disappear, but I reappear for something I wish to hear.

I close my eyes, but I open my eyes for moments I wish to see.

I manifest myself to him, the one I’ve longed to meet.


As I sip my coffee in the kingdom of peace,

As I rest my legs on the mattress of sheer bliss,

Now that I’m sitting on the throne of God,

Rest in peace, my golden memories.


Author: Muhammad Abid Abdu Annafi/234214141

Editor: Sitti Aminah Intan Utami, Vonna Meisya Saputra (QC)

Illustrator: Betsy Mariana Agoha



Creative Writings Flash Fiction

The Hollow Days


Arnold had been musing for thirty days. He had lost someone who was very precious in his life. She always woke him up every morning. She always cooked his favorite dish. She was always by his side. He stared at the dewy window of his office. He mourned the fate that befell him. He wondered why this disaster could happen to him. Lately, he had been daydreaming more often and sometimes he cried without realizing it. He endured the hollow days patiently and resiliently.

“Mom, why did you leave me so quickly? I still want to spend time with you,” Arnold said in his heart. Yeah, he lost his mother. Her mother passed away in a car accident when she went to London a month ago. He remembered when he heard his mother had passed away. He was very shocked and didn’t believe it. He knew it from his uncle. After the accident, her mother was taken to the hospital by an ambulance. Unfortunately, she had passed away when he arrived at the hospital.

One day after his mother’s death, his mother was cremated at a crematorium in Nottingham, Arnold’s hometown. Arnold sobbed during the cremation process of his mother. He had never felt so sad like this before. He saw his mother for the last time when they were at home. At that time, his mother advised him to become a successful person. She also told him that if she passed away, Arnold should stay focused on his life goals.

Since then, Arnold lived with his father and sister. His father and sister consoled him so that he won’t be sad. However, it didn’t affect Arnold. He remained sad. It was the first time he had to live without his mother. Everything that was on his mind was his mother. He imagined his mother seeing him when he became successful. He regretted not having had the chance to make his mother happy. If he could rewind time, he would have done his best for his mother.

One day, Arnold met Rachel, a new employee at his office. Arnold and she quickly became friends. Rachel was a friendly woman. Arnold told Rachel about his mother and she understood what Arnold had experienced. She tried to comfort him. When lunchtime arrived, she invited him to the cafeteria. Arnold agreed so they went to the cafeteria together.

“I understand what you have experienced, Arnold,” Rachel said to Arnold.

“Thank you for listening to my story,” Arnold answered her.

“You’re welcome Arnold, but you shouldn’t be sad all the time, you have to be strong,” Rachel replied.

“I’m trying, but it’s so hard. Can you tell me what I should do?” Arnold asked.

“You can do your hobby, spend time with your family and friends, and stay physically active. You also need to focus on work so you can achieve your dream. Your mother would be happy seeing you successful,” Rachel said.

“You’re right. From now on, I will focus on work and do anything that makes me happy. Being sad all the time is useless. I deserved to be happy,” Arnold replied.

Since then, they have been getting closer. Arnold promised that he would make his mother happy. He believed that if he worked diligently and tried his best, his mother would be proud of him.


Author: Steven Yulyanto/214214022

Editor: Yohana Satvika Wahyuveda, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Ajeng Suci Hati


Creative Writings Poem

Magic Hour

In the days of youth, so innocent and bright,

When Santa Claus was real, with his magical flight.

I’d return to those moments, oh, how they’d amaze,

When my family was whole, in a warm, loving gaze.


In the frosty December, with snow on the ground,

I’d listen for sleigh bells, their jingling sound.

Believing in legends, like Santa’s great lore,

In a world full of wonder, where dreams could explore.


I’d visit that time when worries were few,

When laughter and joy were the things that I knew.

Innocence like a treasure, held in my hand,

As I danced with the legends, in a magical land.


The world was a canvas, and I held the brush,

Painting my dreams, in a boundless rush.

Oh, how I’d return to that innocent place,

Where legends and magic adorned every space.


To revisit those moments, where love was the key,

To unlock the magic that still lives within me.

For in legends and stories, we find our true grace,

In the innocence of childhood, in that sacred place.


Author: Maria Marcelia Angelica S/204214143

Editor: Desca Geovani Kristi, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Kenar Syalaisha Kanayana


Creative Writings Poem

So, It Will

So, it is a plight.
Whose wrath wrongs worlds
Who sings in its own grains
Whom folks consecrates,
In all of its eons. 

A Helios of haste
A Selene ’til Sunday.

In sum of its days.
Whom the Bang bestowed,
Who chanted in its serenity
Whose wisdom wafted wraiths
So, it was a promise.



Author: Abiel Merari/214214177

Editor: Desca Geovani Kristi, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Ajeng Suci Hati




Creative Writings Poem

Saint and Taint

Saint was a creature, had it been her.

Painted with the crimson sky,

Caressed by the warmth,

Breathing on the hand of Father.


Taint was an entity, had it been me.

A torn paper, thrown in a pit,

The shame and the disowned,

Walking in a heavenly hell.


Saint found Taint,

Yet she knew nothing about him.

Taint kept himself in secrecy,

As a sinner and a lover, he was.

On the witness of Father, he apologized

And Father took him, forgave him;

Trusting him in the name of redemption,

As He was starting a new page.


Taint finds Saint,

Yet she remembers nothing about him.

But, oh, he does.

Taint keeps himself in secrecy,

As a lover, for loving Saint,

As a sinner, for loving Saint,

On every page.



Author: Latifah Kendra/234214116

Editor: Yohana Satvika Wahyuveda, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Angelita Dayang Diva

Creative Writings Flash Fiction

Once More


Once, someone told me that the stars above our heads are the souls of those who lived before us. I looked up at the sky, from this field all by myself. In this place, the night is eternal, and I am its guardian.

“They are beautiful. When will my time finally come? It’s been a thousand years,” I let out the weight in my heart with no one to hear them. I was once the same as those stars above; yes, I was a soul myself. I received a gift, but these days, I like to call it a curse—a curse that bound me to this place to put the souls into the sky. 

“Speak of the devil, here comes one.” A little spark starts to grow from the ground, and I quickly pick it up with my hands.

“Hello there, Little one. Let’s see which place you belong to.” I lift my hand to the sky, turning it pitch black. Slowly, a pair of stars starts to glow. I nod my head and slowly lift the little spark closer to them.

“There you go, Little bud. May someday you’ll get the chance to come back to the world.” After the little spark turns into a star, everything becomes normal, and once again I find myself alone in this field. Nothing much I can do here, since everything always goes in a circle. Suddenly, a voice echoes, and I know exactly who it is.

“It’s been a thousand years, hm?”

“Greetings to the lord,” I greet the voice with sarcasm. Yes, this is the voice of the one who gave me this curse a thousand years ago.

“Don’t be like that, Young boy. This place chose you back then, and there’s nothing much I can do except reduce the time for you.”

“Yes. Thanks to you, now I can’t rest like them or even come back to the world!” I try to hold back my emotions, I can feel my voice almost cracking.

“…I’m sorry. I didn’t know you felt like that this whole time… But hey,  you can finally be free right now.”

” If this is another one of your tricks I promise I w-“

“It’s not. I speak the truth. I’m here to lift your bounds from this field and say thank you for doing a great job for everything, dear guardian. Now, just close your eyes and let your soul rest here under the sky you always guide. Good night, young guardian.”

It’s all pitch black to me, but I feel the weight lift from my heart and my body becomes lighter.

“So this is the peace they always feel.”

“May you never remember this painful truth and live your life happily… This time, I’ll be your guardian, my dear… Your light will always shine the brightest I see every night.”




“Hah?!” I awake startled from my slumber. I took in my surroundings and find nothing strange or peculiar. I rise from my bed and feel like I’m missing something or someone so important. 

“I can’t remember my dream, but I feel like I need to remember something about it. ” I try to recall my memory but still can’t remember anything. I don’t know since when but tears start streaming from my eyes.

“E-Eh? Why am I… crying?” I ask myself and try to reach for some tissues to wipe my tears, but my hand nudges a book beside the tissue box.

“How clumsy.” I try to pick up the book, but I’m too stunned to even move my hand. On its open page, I can clearly read the writing from wet ink.

Live your life to the fullest, former guardian. Don’t let the past haunt you anymore, someday we will meet again in the future. Until the other time.

“Thank you for the opportunity. Someday, I will revisit you. I may not remember how you look and what’s your name right now, but I hope you will remind me, maybe in my dream or one day when we meet again.” I close the book with a smile. I can’t change my past or predict the future, but I will face the world in front of me with pride and joy. Until someday I reunite with my last place to rest, beside her, once again.


Author: Maria Nathea/224214019

Editor: Nanda Pratama Putera Tomasila, Vonna Meisya Saputra (QC)

Illustrator: Angelita Dayang Diva


Creative Writings Poem

Let There Be Light

Let there be light, let the Heaven roar

As the King has risen, the light poured

The light of the world


From the flickers of candles,

To the brilliance of the stars

The spirit came down

With tongues of fires


A rushing wind

Gave a new life, 

To once had been sins


Let the people rejoice

Let the people sing their praise

For the One who has conquered the death

The beginning and the end

The Alpha and Omega


Author: Erica Rafaella

Editor: Desca Geovani Kristi, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Betsy Mariana Agoha

Creative Writings Poem

Independence Day for Children


Her little hand gripped a knife

Chopping the tobacco leaves one by one

Her lungs rebelled

Longing for fresh air


His little hand gripped a shovel

The smell of smoke permeated his sackcloth

He saw his nails turn into teal

At nine, he was told to leave his childishness


Her childhood was sacrificed,

For bread to fill the stomach of her family

What was a doll?

She only knew how to operate machines


His childhood was sacrificed,

For the three coins given to his mother

What was a toy car?

He only knew how to shovel coals


She wanted to be a writer

But what she held was a looming needle

She asked her father,

Was my future just deprived?


He wanted to be a weightlifter athlete

But what he held was a sack of sand

He asked his mother,

Was my future just murdered?


Their cries were restrained

Work or starve another day

They saw their friends,

slump and die


Their inner groans awaken a new generation

Who can be their representative to demand rights

For a new era where they can shout:




Author: Dulce Cicilia Sariri

Editor: Yohana Satvika Wahyuveda, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Ajeng Suci Hati

Creative Writings Poem

A Horror Show

Marching parade of the nightmarish dusk

Busting through the land of the cursed,

Nightly creatures band in rows

Escorted by the sound of the croaking crows,


An ominous shadow slithering by the wall,

Up on a hill where the beast crawls

A looming danger hides in the gloom

Came from him who was buried in no tomb


Nosferatu, the master of the night, arisen

A chaperone of the lord of dark’s awaken

Awaken, from his unrest sleeps

Hunted for his feast, he creeps


O, Renfield, a slave to the Count

Driven into madness

To seize immortality 

Out of his prophecy


It’s a horror show

A grotesque scene of a murderous scheme


This, is a horror show 

A dreadful tale of October’s end



Author: Valentina Pascalia

Editor: Desca Geovani Kristi, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Ajeng Suci Hati

Creative Writings Poem

Is It Possible, Mom?

She reminded her of the origin of love

The womb, so warm, engulfed by amniotic wisdom 

Strings attached through the umbilical cord

Now etched in the daughter’s heart

So this is the home she had been longing for

The care from a pair of hands other than her own

Massaging her back until the wind escapes

Messaging in, here warmth, so winter 

will no longer enter her heart, she said

“If this is what you need,

take my fire.”

She flames with no care

to the melting body of her candle

The daughter cried in silence

for her exhaustion felt, too

She has the time candle, too

so many stages to burn

yet so little, for her mother

If only she could’ve been

kinder to her without becoming

less pleasured of a lover

less passionate of a dreamer

To the kindest, without less youth

Is it possible, that she too

build a warmth of home

to pay back

without an upcoming

after death regret?

Author: Agnes Seraphine

Editor : Sitti Aminah Intan Utami & Vonna Meisya Saputra (QC)

Illustration : Kenar Syalaisha Kanayana