Creative Writings Poem

A Symphony of Memories

In the chaos of life, my hands were molded into feet.

I see something that shapes us, something sweet.

It is indeed the glorified version of life, nurturing ephemeral moments like the sheath of a knife.


Hold tight, my dear friend; we knew this fate would not be the same.

It is different yet tempting to end.

Toy cars, the old mango tree, and sounds from the early days are framed.


I disappear, but I reappear for something I wish to hear.

I close my eyes, but I open my eyes for moments I wish to see.

I manifest myself to him, the one I’ve longed to meet.


As I sip my coffee in the kingdom of peace,

As I rest my legs on the mattress of sheer bliss,

Now that I’m sitting on the throne of God,

Rest in peace, my golden memories.


Author: Muhammad Abid Abdu Annafi/234214141

Editor: Sitti Aminah Intan Utami, Vonna Meisya Saputra (QC)

Illustrator: Betsy Mariana Agoha



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