Creative Writings Poem

Saint and Taint

Saint was a creature, had it been her.

Painted with the crimson sky,

Caressed by the warmth,

Breathing on the hand of Father.


Taint was an entity, had it been me.

A torn paper, thrown in a pit,

The shame and the disowned,

Walking in a heavenly hell.


Saint found Taint,

Yet she knew nothing about him.

Taint kept himself in secrecy,

As a sinner and a lover, he was.

On the witness of Father, he apologized

And Father took him, forgave him;

Trusting him in the name of redemption,

As He was starting a new page.


Taint finds Saint,

Yet she remembers nothing about him.

But, oh, he does.

Taint keeps himself in secrecy,

As a lover, for loving Saint,

As a sinner, for loving Saint,

On every page.



Author: Latifah Kendra/234214116

Editor: Yohana Satvika Wahyuveda, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Angelita Dayang Diva

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