Creative Writings Flash Fiction

I Came, I Saw, I Would Conquer

/Song playing in the background/

*/Neath a faulted sky, cross loamless plains, and watered blight/

/Ah, were gone those days, once glory shone so brightly?/

/Fallen neath baleful wings dark as night/

Do you perceive the world the same as I do? The world in which we are able to control everything to our desire. Desire to live. Desire to survive.

Do you believe in miracles? Loads of burden on our shoulders, yet nature decides to be in our favor?

Life never comes at ease to every single all of us. I, myself, have never wanted to set foot in a dark, cramped, silent castle. Life knows no pain. Therein, I cry for its mercy. Life heeds no wailing, so there is no choice, but to stand on my own feet. 

“So, preliminary semester would be crucial, I suppose. The translations are not my strong point, but I have an interest in them. We’ll see if it pays a dividend.” I muttered

The first two and three months everything went smoothly until the future knocks at the door. I somehow thought of my future self. Somehow, I felt scared. Somehow it felt uneasy. I had always wanted to go with translation once my duty at the university is finally over. However, my thoughts were filled with uncertainty. It tickled me a lot. I had no choice, but to ponder what I would do in the future. This took a lot of months and energy and I was knackered, both mentally and physically.

The end of the semester was just around the corner. And I found myself right at the very sharp end. Squeezed by expectations and reality. Nothing good came out, except my faith in my work. I felt everything in my hands was loose. They plunge. They run. 

A conversation with myself was the only thing I ever needed. I do not need anyone. I need myself and just myself. So much pain to walk through what I want for people. No one seems to understand it. When the pandemic hit that year, I had already lost so many chances. Then came along with mentality problems making me worse every time.  Every single hour. I felt as if I was a mere doll rather than a human. I did nothing because I knew nothing. My current field offers a lot of possibilities, but I do not see myself being part of those possibilities. 

The eighth semester came and many months passed. My thesis’ progress seemed to be halted momentarily. I had to move fast. I had to think fast. I have always believed that I have to help myself. I do not want to rely on anyone. 

People come and go, figuratively. Many of my fellows had already graduated and passed the thesis defense, yet I am like a sitting duck hoping for some sort of change. And amidst uncertainty, a glimpse of light showers my face at the end of the tunnel. I regain my confidence A completely different new field it is.

This is the new path I have chosen. This is my new life. I am proud of who I am. That I am able to endure all predicaments. That I can stand on my own feet. I know nothing for sure, but I just need to push through. And I believe!

/song playing in the background/

*/I have always walked alone. When I looked back, everyone was far away/

/Even so, I kept walking. That was my strength/

/”I’m not afraid of anything anymore”, I muttered to myself/

/Everyone will be alone someday, living on in memories only/

/I fight so that I will be able to love and laugh despite  the loneliness/

/I won’t show my tears/

*: 1st song: Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen Main Theme

2nd song: Angel Beats Ending Song (Translated Lyrics)



Writer: Nanda Kresnantara

Editor: Baby Lois Augustine Nabasa & Fransiskus Nino Boby Laksono (QC)

Illustrator: Bedita

Current News

The Celebration of UKPS Award 2022

INTEGRITY was rewarded one the nominations in UKPS Award 2022 (taken by Agustina Galuh Susetyawati)

Yogyakarta (02/11/2022) – The end of the year is near and the time has come for the UKPS Award 2022. The event was held in room S. 302 and attended by approximately 40 students who represent the members of MIBA (Minat dan Bakat Mahasiswa) Division HMPSSING 2021/2022, the new cabinet of HMPSSING 2022/2023, and all representatives of the English Letters Students’ Activity Units.

“Today’s event is a series of events which aim to give our appreciation to UKPS members for a period of their work in UKPS,” according to Nikolaus Herjuno, the Head of HMPSSING 2021/2022, in his opening speech. To explain, the appreciation was given in the form of nominations and rewards for the best English Letters Students’ Activity Units in five categories. 

  1. The most impactful UKPS: English Letters Academic Club (ELAC),
  2. The most improved UKPS: AVIS Puppet Show,
  3. UKPS who has the fastest progress in finishing their project report (LPJ): English Debating Society (EDS),
  4. UKPS who has the best synergy within the team: INTEGRITY, and
  5. UKPS who holds great significance within the field of English Literature: Literature for Children and Young Adults (LCYA).

In-between the rewarding sessions, Farell, the Head of MIBA HMPSSING 2021/2022, added some fun ice-breaking riddles and challenges for the audience. At first, the questions were receh and easy to answer that it invited a lot of laughter from the audience. However, as the event went closer to the end, the questions became heavier. For example, “In your opinion, what are the three things that should be improved in Indonesia?”

The question was answered by three brave audiences, explaining various matters regarding unequal access to education, lack of financial literacy, climate change, food diversification issues, and many more. Although at first the challenge might seem irrelevant to the main event, Farell emphasized that their answers show just how critical and potential the students of the English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University can be.

Similarly, he hopes that under this new period of UKPS’ management, stronger motivations can be pursued for the improvement of students’ potential in the English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University.


Journalist: Agnes Seraphine

Editor: Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)

Current News

Journalispeak 2022: Grabbing Audience’s Attention through Content Copywriting

Kak Kiva, Kak Laksa, and The Participants of Journalispeak 2022

Yogyakarta (15/10/2022) – After SEO Fighters and UI/UX Fighters Webinar, here comes the peak of INTEGRITY’s annual event: Journalispeak 2022 Seminar. Under the theme of “Content Marketing: Grabbing Audience’s Attention through Content Copywriting”, the seminar was held on-site in Koentjono Room, BAA Building, Campus II, Sanata Dharma University.

Journalispeak 2022 invited two guest speakers. Both are Sanata Dharma University’s alumni who are experienced in the field of content marketing. They are Kivana Damayanti, a content writer and copywriter at Duniatex, and Azizta Laksa Mahadikengrat, an Advertorial Editor at Accordingly, the seminar was divided into two main sessions.

In the first session, Kak Kiva shared the step by step tutorial on how to write with design and user-centered mindset. She explained in detail the process of preparing a copy, writing it, and re-checking it once the copy product is done. In addition, she also shared the tips and tricks to organize files and ideas as a copywriter. In the second session, Kak Laksa added three main steps that the participants should always remember when writing a copy: bengong, ngetik, and ngoceh. He explained these three procedures so simply that it was welcomed excitedly by the participants. 

After the materials were delivered by the speakers, Journalispeak 2022 also invited the participants to do a live practice using Google Form. Guided by Kak Laksa, they were asked to make an Instagram caption of a product of their choice. Even though the participants were only given 30 minutes to write, some results stood out and successfully grabbed the attention of the speakers and other participants.

One of them was the caption written by a participant named Rio. He chose a brand of gaming mouse as his product, and here is the caption that he wrote.

[Gamer Wajib Punya. Mouse Baru Logitech, Sat Set Headshot Semua.]

Logitech G Pro Superlight dengan ringan hanya 63g dan Sensor Hero, mouse ini dapat memberikan kenyamanan dan keakuratan dalam aiming. Tidak akan ada lagi kebablasan membidik. Dengan body shape yang bikin betah menggenggam berjam-jam seperti menggenggam tangan doi.

Digunakan berbagai Team Esport terkenal seperti G2 Esport yang memenangkan LEC Spring 2022. Ingin seperti mereka?

Monggo klik link dibawah untuk pembelian.

“Sat-set headshot semua” is where Kak Laksa gave him the winning points. He mentioned that this is a great example of how intriguing a copy should be in content marketing. As a form of appreciation for the on-point captions that they have written, Rio and two other participants were rewarded with e-money and internet quota.

Finally, after the live practice had ended, the event was closed with a photo session. Many participants were satisfied with the new knowledge that they’ve gained through the seminar. INTEGRITY sincerely hope that the tips and tricks of content marketing that have been shared by the speakers of Journalispeak 2022 will later be useful in their writing career. 

See you in Journalispeak 2023!

Journalist: Agnes Seraphine

Editor: Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)


New Dawn

When the sky looms in darkness

When mind lost all its sharpness

With madness rampant within

Up and down I see myself, 

Hold a familiar sight of garbage in the bin.


Here I lie alone,

As water running through my cheekbone

I said to myself, I am weak,

Nothing I ought to seek

Is not worth as much as an antique


NAY! I hear In surprise,

Open hand reaching through the sky

Bringing light which I can rely,


NAY! I say in loud,

In here I stand to vowed

Promise not to bowed 

Against the world shrouded in cloud


Author: Wijasena Aji Pratama

Editor: Fransiskus Nino Boby Laksono (QC)

Illustrator: Bedita

Illustrated by Bedita
Flash Fiction

White Box

I live in a white box, surrounded by nothing in it. I do not see anything, I do not hear anything, and I speak nothing. Everything in this box is pure, halcyon, serene, and empty. I keep walking, and walking, and walking mindlessly. My mind is blank, like a white canvas that is untouched by an artist, like a poet who lost words, like a child who loses their imagination. I keep walking without thinking about anything. However, my legs do not tire, my body feels nothing. It feels like they are numb even when I regained consciousness.

The longer I walk, the longer I think, the longer I realize. What am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? I keep asking questions that nobody can answer. Nobody? What is a “body”? Is there any other “body” except mine in this world? I keep asking myself questions that I cannot comprehend.

The longer I walk the longer I am lost in my thoughts. I become self-aware of my questions. I keep saying new words that I do not know. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, joy, person, existence. What is that? Am I a person? Am I truly alive? I can’t understand anything.

The longer I walk, the longer I am drowned in the sea of thoughts, my legs become numb, my body feels exhausted, my mind feels overloaded, and my soul fatigued. “Am I alive?” “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” I keep repeating the questions. I don’t know anything. My head becomes a mess.

From walking, I begin running, looking for a reason behind my existence. I keep running, looking to my right and leave only to see a barren land of absolute white. I keep repeating my question, “Where am I?” “What am I?” “Why do I exist?” while I run.

I run and run until my body can’t take it anymore. Then, I scream, in anguish. That is the first sound that I make. At that moment, I somehow felt joy. Like a kid receiving candy, like a son drawing his parents in stickman form, like a person who’s finally got a job. I scream and scream again; feeling accomplished by nothing.

I begin to run again. At that moment, I begin to try something that I would not do: launching myself with my knees, opening my eyelids and closing them again and again, clenching nothing but air with my hands, breathing, and laying on the land that is filled with nothing but the color of white. At that moment, I felt serenity in my heart.

I begin to run again. I begin to realize that there is something in me, something that I could do. Not just thinking and walking mindlessly, I found something that makes me feel like a person even if I don’t understand that concept completely.

I kept running and running until I bumped into something. I fall to my knees and wonder what’s stopping me. I swing my hand around and I feel something solid in front of me. I guess this is the end of this box. I can’t push my way on the solid object. Yet again, I do something that I don’t do. I swing my leg on the solid object that is in front of me. A loud thud can be heard. However, my leg is in pain. It was so painful that I had to crouch and wince.

However, I begin to realize that there is a dent in the spot where I kick the unknown solid object. I begin to swing my arm as hard as I can on the dent that I made. It works, there’s another dent. Thus, I punch it again, and again, and again, continuously, repeatedly. Until a fluid came out of my hand. The fluid has an unknown color. However, it is not white. 

My hand feels in pain. I want to stop, I really do. I want to stop and stay here. I don’t want to feel pain anymore. But I had to. I want to experience new stuff that I cannot experience, to feel alive, so that I can understand why I am here, and what my existence is for. I begin to punch the dents that I make yet again; I am filled with determination.

The object cracked. I see a bright light beneath that crack. I feel hope, a new feeling that I experience. I felt accomplished once again so I kept punching the object repeatedly until it was falling apart. The object crumbles. The wall and floor around me also crumbles. I quickly realized that there was no going back. This is the choice I made.

There I see a light and I feel like it’s pulling me. I accept the light and I am floating toward the light.

The light blinds me. And suddenly I am in a patch of grass, looking down at my feet. I didn’t know that the grass was ticklish around my feet. Then I began to look up, I saw dazzling scenery. I saw a field full of flowers. Some flowers were dancing with the wind. The sky looks so vibrant accompanied by small streaks of clouds.

I didn’t regret leaving the white box. I feel alive just by the scenery. I want to explore the field to see how beautiful the world is.


Writer: M. Walin Geonte

Editor: Vivi Julianti & Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)

Illustrator: Ariel Harpa

Creative Writings Poem

On Behalf of the Old Heaven

On behalf of the old Heaven,

I woke from a deep slumber.

I plunged into the freezing-flowing river.

I smelled the fragrance of the whitish walls, the brownish planks, and the greenish plants.

Tastes of the old heaven, for the last time. 


Bygone is the presence of guidance.

Bygone are the times of gleefulness.

Bygone is the archaic self-of-me.

Bygone are the heralds of great feasts.

Bygone is the old heaven.


Here I am, now, gazing into the new void.

Uncoloured, with a splash of cold, jagged aura surging. 

Unknowns of grand-scale looming.

Time sides with its own ending.

I see neither comfort nor heaven.


Here, the safe rectangle of despondency.

Here, I rest my old beings.

Here, a reverie of I, flourish.

Still, the fragments of old heaven stand tall.

I remember, and will always remember. 

On behalf of the old heaven

I will craft a new heaven. 

I will smear anew the void.

Woe to the thoughts that belittle me.

For I will, on behalf of the new heaven, walk with valour.

Author: Abiel Merari / 214214177

Editor: Desca Geovani Kristi, Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)

Illustrator: Betsy Mariana Agoha

Features Music Review

Luxury Disease: A New Phase for ONE OK ROCK

As the world slowly recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, classes have started to return to in-person lectures, and businesses started recovering, the story goes the same for ONE OK ROCK, a Japanese rock band formed in Tokyo, Japan, in 2005. They, in my opinion, are best described as a “fluid” rock band, that holds their roots in the traditional youthful J-Rock style at heart, but was able to grow overseas and produce various genres of music within albums in their own original and unique sound, that can appeal to the wider and more mainstream ‘Western’ audience in their later albums. I think that’s part of the reason why I always recommend them to everyone I meet who isn’t even a single bit interested in Japanese music.

Their newest album, Luxury Disease, was released on September 9, 2022. This is their tenth studio album and their first one since the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, with the previous album being Eye of the Storm which was released back in February 2019. This album release marks their grand return to the performing stage after the pandemic as they started touring across countries again, (please, return to Indonesia) and to some extent, their return to their older, more rock-heavy sound in their earlier albums, when they were still focused on establishing themselves as a band inside of Japan. 

The album’s name itself, Luxury Disease, is actually a direct translation of the title of their first album released in 2006 called Zeitakubyō. Taka, the band’s lead vocalist, said in an interview session on their official YouTube channel on July 1, 2022, that after spending several albums trying to build a name for themselves in the worldwide market, they are now trying to make a fresh start with all the experience they had in the US during the past two albums, while now wanting to bring back their more rock-centered sound for their newly gained worldwide audience. With the new album sounding more toward their original rock/alternative rock sound, there is a feeling of uncertainty within the band about whether the album is going to do well among their newly gained world audience, similar to the uncertainty they had when they were just starting out as a band, hence the direct translation from Zeitakubyō to Luxury Disease, to show that they are determined to do their best in sounding ‘themselves’ again.

And to me, it shows. “Vandalize” and “Save Yourself” are the main rock-sounding tracks, with their heavy guitar riffs and all out 2000’s rock style choruses and drops that make you feel strong enough to break your wall (please don’t), with “Vandalize” even being released as a theme song to SEGA’s upcoming Sonic Frontiers video game. Tracks like “Let Me Let You Go” and “Prove” show the more mellow side of the album in voicing romantic relationships while still maintaining the rock vibe they carry with the album. “So Far Gone” and “Your Tears Are Mine” offer a more dramatic tune to the album for those who are in heartbreak, with a slower tempo that complements the rock tune of the album well.

Some of the songs are co-written by other big-name artists as well. Brendon Urie’s Panic! at the Disco, one of my other favorite artists, co-wrote the track “Neon”, lending PATD’s trademark style of powerful melodic choruses and orchestral high notes. Ed Sheeran co-wrote the track “Renegades”, a youthful ballad song that serves as an anthem for young renegades who refuse to allow their battles and passions to be ignored. “Renegades” also has an MV that portrays youth empowerment in current-day social issues that I highly encourage you to check out. 

The album, as I’ve mentioned before, definitely leans more toward their initial rock sound in most of the songs as the band’s new phase of music in the post-pandemic era. But as ONE OK ROCK likes to do, they also managed to fit a few other genres that complement the rock songs well, adding depth into the album and making it an all-round banger to listen in different moods rather than a one-dimensional sound that you only listen to once in a while. It’s an album that I can easily recommend to anyone, regardless of their music tastes.

Author: Fransiskus Nino Boby Laksono / 194214119

Editor: Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)

Illustrator: Betsy Mariana Agoha

Creative Writings Flash Fiction

Over Dinner

“Uni’s been great, right?” 

General Sheltron had meant it as a mere small talk starter, between unpacking the take-out food to the plates. But to his surprise, Aster’s eyes and voice light up. “Dad, how could it not?!”

The occasional stutters and pauses to admire the meal did little to stop his excited chatter. The university pleases Aster, very much, and the boy is eager to go about life there. The club activities he might do (“They have a band, Dad!”); then the lessons he is to study-in this semester, in the semesters to come (“Third-year students might do an internship at a company’s lab-won’t Mama like the sound of that?”); the interactive moonbeam hologram presenters in his classes (“The molecule models would float about us-and we can tweak it with a simple wave-no goggles necessary!”)

The old general’s amusement increases at how Aster is even eager about the compulsory classes. “The lecturer’s nice, so that’s a plus point-and the lesson’s actually interesting-if you can pay attention long enough. But I think my friends already knew all about them when they were in high school…”

My little star, his mother had mused, adoration seeping through each word. He never failed to cheer me upthere’s always something exciting in his world. 

The three of them had been touring the General’s ship. They lingered in the steering room, and the crew were laughing at Aster’s little pun. General Sheltron hadn’t known how to respond, was still reeling at meeting the boy for the first time two hours earlier. He did suppose that his son was given a fitting name, or Aster himself had lived up to the meaning. 

Now the boy is quiet, chewing his dinner before speaking again, “There are so many fun things to do and try, I’m not even sure I’ll be able to do all that.”

General Sheltron smiles, “But you want to do them all?”

Aster’s eyes light up again, fingers snapping in agreement. “That’s the point!” he exclaims. “Sometimes I’ll think, maybe next year there’ll be another seminar or something. But at the same time, the other side would pester me, like what if there’s no other opportunity? And if there is, what if you won’t have time later?”

“Well, surely some will be more beneficial or interesting to you than the rest, Aster,” says the General. “Don’t want to be mopping in some miserable obligation, don’t we?”

“No, indeed,” Aster grins. “I’ll stress the neurons out of my brain trying to fulfill everything well.”

“Well then!” The boy chuckles at his father’s words.

“Of course, you’ll have greater worries and concerns at your age,” the General continues softly. “You can’t help it. But I’d prefer if you choose to do things responsibly.”

“Mama said the same thing,” Aster pipes. His tone is musing, yet far too lilting with the amused glint in his eyes.

“Well, I know she didn’t raise a brash young man,” General Sheltron retorts before he can overthink the allusion.

 “No, sir.” 

“You mind your studies well. Don’t worry about anything else- money or food or lodging. Your mother made me swear I’ll provide for you, and I will.”

“You have, Dad. A great deal,” Aster acknowledges kindly.

“That’s why. Enjoy yourself, and gather your skills. You’ll survive the workforce well enough with those.”

Aster swallows then raise his right hand in a proper salute. “Yes, General Sir!”

“At ease, Corporal. Well, listen to me. An old geezer with his advice,” the General chuckles, turning to pick up the puddings set aside on the counter. 

“I don’t mind. I’m still a duckling to this world, looking for guidance.” There’s a pause as Aster chews his food, an intent look in his eyes. Then he leans forward, and says, “It’s not like you’re half a century old, Dad.”

His father stills, and his gaze turns sharp. Aster, being the little tease who knew he hit his mark, begins to snicker. General Sheltron is no old rickety officer, being in his late forties. Still, it is enough a gap between his comrades for them to tease him relentlessly.

“You should stop seeing your uncles,” the General sighs. Aster only laughs louder.

Author: Ruth Tirza Arina / 224214046

Editor: Cynthia Olga Handoko, Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)

Illustrator: Ajeng Suci Hati

Creative Writings Flash Fiction

The Crescent Moon

It’s sunny outside, perfectly perfect weather to go on a picnic. She drives herself to a land full of white sands, a land where the waves excitedly greet her from the farthest horizon, a land where hermit crabs hide. She drives herself to a land where her dad is welcomed and peacefully rested. 

Taking out the carpet, she sits down, facing a rounded black-and-blue birthday cake with 18 candles.

“Dada, your little girl now meets friends in college, starts to have a crush on one of her classmates, stays up late at night doing homework, and is stressed about grades. Changes still feel awkward for me after you left. Often at night, when my day isn’t going well, I cry. But Dada, you know? Neither your fingers through my face nor your arms surrounding me, it is the pillow that holds my tears, it is my blanket that embraces me,” she whispers through the wind.

“I’m no longer a little girl, but I still need you day after day.” 

The candles have gone out, and tears are running down her cheeks.

I watch her from a distance. The last time I saw her clothed in tears was just a month ago. She was covered in black and hugged the frame of her father tight.

“Carla! Watch out! The waves are chasing after you, baby.”

“Vruhh,” she’s late. The waves had already kissed her knees, and she was losing balance, falling and kneeling on the sand. 

“Oh NO, Dada, please help me! I can’t get myself up. I’m stuck and covered in sand.”

A six-foot man in a light blue T-shirt rushed to approach and lift her daughter. Everyone could tell that he was a good father. You could never see his eyes while talking to his five-year-old daughter. His blonde hair was shining well under the sunlight. He carried Carla on his shoulder and ran to chase the wind. From afar, you could see that Carla also has a half-moon shape in her eyes while smiling. It’s probably passed down from her dad. Many would name it eye smile, a phenomenon of your eyes that would form an adorable crescent moon shape while smiling.

I smelled her happiness spread like a fragrance in the air that day. However, today, sadness goes really far and leaves a hole in her heart. I can’t stand this, so I do some magic for her. I let her see the scene from 13 years ago when she and her dad had a lot of fun in this place.

If you wonder how I may use my magic, here’s the secret—a leaf. I let one of my leaves flies onto her lap, transferring her to that moment. 

“Daddy, is that you?!” Carla is surprised to see her father. She tries to reach her father’s hand, but she can’t.  

“Hi, sweetie, how are you doing? I miss you a lot. I wonder if you have already forgotten me. But I know you will come to visit me one day, just like what you did today. Dear, life may not go as you wish, but just like the sun that rises every day, like the waves that would come endlessly, like footprints that will always follow your steps, my love would never let you be alone. Goodbye may never be easy. I trust and believe that I have already given my all to you. Now that you can survive in this world, I am proud of you,” her dad talks in silence, but Carla can listen to it clearly.

Shedding in tears, she replies. “Dad, it felt like you were going away and leaving me all alone. I am scared of changes. Just thinking I must go on my own. I am not confident yet without you by my side. I struggle more than I ever imagine. Thank you for letting me know that you would never let me go through my life alone. I wish you would always be there, just like my footprints. When I have new semesters, meet new classmates, and face a new society, I would challenge myself to be braver.”

“That’s my baby, Carla. You are doing great and always would. Dear, it’s time for you to live your dream. Though this pandemic can take me away from you, never let it take away your dream. Fight against it, and be ready to open a new chapter. It might be completely new and feels unfamiliar at first. Trust me. It may help and let you step out of your comfort zone. Child, here comes the time for you to let me go. This is the first chapter you need to close,” Carla feels her dad’s hand reaching hers this time, begging her. 

“When I see you later, I promise to tell you my exciting story, Dad! I promise to make you proud of me” Carla prepares her heart, and this time, she can let her father’s hand go.

“There’s a time when you must be brave and keep moving on in life.” I write so on a leaf and fly it once more onto Carla’s lap. As soon as she read it, I could finally see the crescent moon in her eyes.  

The End

Author: Fernisya Abellya / 214214025

Editor: Arih Oviana Putri Kusuma, Fransiskus Nino Boby Laksono (QC)

Illustrator: Maria Angelica Chrysanti