Yogyakarta (03/11/2021) – With the tagline “Shine Bright Like a Star”, English Letters’ Student Association of Sanata Dharma University held an awarding night named UKPS Award 2021, conducted online via zoom meeting. The awarding night started with an opening speech from Mr. Simon Arsa Manggala as the Deputy Head of Study Program, followed by Alviena Timothea as the chairperson of UKPS Award 2021. Alviena stated that this event was planned since July, with the committee putting more effort into said event as they wanted it to be a little different from the previous ones. After the opening speech, there was a special performance from UKPS AVIS, namely “White Hawk and Star Maidens”, a traditional folklore from Native American. It was the first time AVIS tried something new by using clay and making a stop-motion video.
Before the highlight of the event, videos displaying the organization structure and the work plan of each UKPS was played. As stated by Kristian Daviko and Devaneira, the MCs of UKPS Award 2021, this year’s UKPS Award is a little different, with there being three nominations based on the voting results of the English Letters’ students.
The first nomination is called Sirius Star (The Brightest Star), awarded to ELAC by gaining 22,9% of the voting results and making them the most favorite UKPS in English Letters Department. The second nomination is called Sagittarius A Star (The Fastest Star). This award was won by INTEGRITY for being the UKPS who successfully completed and executed their entire work plan. And, the last nomination is The Red Square Nebula Star (The Symmetric Star), which was given to EDS as the UKPS who did their tasks and jobs punctually the most. For the closing event, there was a surprise gift session for the participants; Best Costume, The Most Enthusiast, and The In-Time People. These were awarded to Isidora, Wina, and Hana Yeremia respectively.
Last but not least, congratulations to all the winners and each UKPS for always giving their best! May this awarding night motivate every UKPS to continue doing their best in illuminating Sanata Dharma University, especially English Letters Department, like the stars do.
Journalist: Atalya Zahra
Editor: Baby Lois Agustine, Fransiskus Nino (QC)
Illustrator: Betsy Mariana Agoha