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The Exchange Course in Universitas Padjajaran

Yogyakarta (18/03/2021) –   Felisita Angelique Novena (194214189) shared with us her interesting student exchange experience in Universitas Padjajaran, which is currently still going fully online. In an online program by the public university based in Jatinangor, West Java, Vena is taking the course “Film & Literature” to enrich her references and expand her perspective as the particular course is also established in our home department. Vena elaborated that her impetus to join the exchange program is to experience a new academic atmosphere and gain connections since she believes that a mere academic pursuit would never be enough. “I suppose that a high GPA is not the utmost condition. To be accepted in this program, it is more on your (motivational) essays and portfolios, instead.” She told the reporters.

The most prominent benefit which is obtained through this opportunity, as Vena implied, is a perspective of comparison between the academic dynamic in the home department and the external institution. Positively, she added, that by being a representative in other campuses, we might as well promote English Letters Department USD as a whole. She also points out, again, that the ability to socialize and build connection is a key for personal development.

Vena further explained that she found the program initially from the information distributed in her class’ WhatsApp group. She, then decided to apply for the program called “Merdeka Belajar” through the link The documents which needed to be prepared include a passport photo, grades transcript, a copy of ID Card, and a motivation essay (in 250 words). All of the processes were conducted fully online, and Vena was assisted by the Head of Department and the Secretariat Office. As additional information, since last year, English Letters Department has sent some fellows to study online in Unpad. Before Vena, there are Terra Istinara, Tirza Kanya, and Nathaniel from batch 2018 who took “Gender & Literature” and “Theatre and Performance” respectively in the online program by Unpad.  

Despite the challenge she encounters to manage her time between the online course in Unpad and USD, she enjoys her whole exchange experience, especially the fact that the course and lecturer truly fits her.  She hopes, in the future, that her fellow English Letters students could join her in the exchange course. “It is very important to be confident at the very start. I believe everyone has an equal chance to join this program. You don’t necessarily have to be the brightest in academics to join this opportunity.” She closed.


Reporter: Theresia Paskah Prastiti

Author: Nathaniel Alvino R. Prima

Editor: Michael Tan

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