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EDS Sadhar take their wins in SEADC 2021

Yogyakarta (17-19/06/2021) — EDS Sadhar acquired several victories from SEADC (Student English Activity English Debate Competition) 2021 on June 17th – 19th 2021. They had managed to achieve several categories; among them are 1st Runner Up, Semifinalist, 3rd Best Speaker and Best N1 Adjudicator.

The delegates of EDS Sadhar prepared their performance in debate by doing intensive training. Natasya Mariana as one of EDS delegates said, “SEADC is one our NUDC delegates team training to prepare for bigger competition that is NUDC (National University Delegates Championship) by Kemendikbud RI. So, we have been practicing since April.”

SEADC was held during  Sadhar’s  final exam that become one of the challenge that they faced.  Moreover with SEADC’s British Parliamentary debate system, it brought more tension. However EDS Sadhar believe in “anything can happen in British Parliamentary debate” mindset that’s why they able to do their best in SEADC competition. Also with their perseverance in intensive training, EDS Sadhar succeeds to win. The win category and the delegates are:

1. Sanata Dharma A as 1st Runner Up

2. Sanata Dharma B as semifinalist

3. Krisantus Danu as 3rd Best Speaker

4. Natasya Mariana as Best N1 Adjudicator

By their win, EDS Sadhar’s desire in debate realm is seen. They have some motivation that drives them to always join debate competition. “Our motivation to join debate competition is to practice our critical thinking and to speak up especially for Sasing scholar. Moreover EDS Sadhar also want to make Sasing Sadhar proud.”, said Natasya.

Even though one of their dream has been achieved, which is to win during this hard time in this pandemic, they still have lots of dreams that they want to achieve in the future. They hope that EDS Sadhar will be able to join international debate competition such as UADC (United Asian Debate Championship) dan WUDC (World University Debate Championship).

Reporter: Fatimah Fauziah

Writer: Sara Immaculata Terra I.

Editor: Michael Tan

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