Yogyakarta (28/05/2021) – Members of ELUC Kartika Purnomo and Elfrisa Rismonita explains the meaning of ELUC. So, what is ELUC? ELUC is the main work program of ELAC. The program aims to hold a conference or seminar organized by ELAC. (English Letters Undergraduate Conference). As for this year’s conference, it was conducted through a zoom meeting due to the pandemic situation. Last year the conference only for central java range ” but this year it has become a national seminar which is open to the public so anyone can take part in this seminar. The participants are usually from high school and university circles this year will be held in September.
ELUC has many themes, namely what areas include English Language and Literature. example:
- contemporary rules,
- language and literature in the digital era
- Language and Literature in environmental issues
This year’s ELUC theme is about English language and literature as media of communication during pandemic, and there are sub-themes: language and translation, digital literature, language on online platforms, etc. This year’s theme puts more emphasis on digital literature.
The purpose of holding this seminar is to deliver or provide a forum for students to present academic expressions they understand about various issues in the fields of linguistics and literature. So ELUC is a forum that presents papers to express their work, an opinion or something new to the listeners, with the hope that the recipient of the information will get something new to develop and grow it into something broader to others.
The hope or goal of the ELUC committee for the future, namely Hopefully ELUC will have value for its participants, continue to have new insights on this year’s theme and provide broad insights. Especially because this year’s theme is “English language and literature as media of communication during pandemic”, hopefully it can change the way people think that they are hindered by this pandemic so that their communication is not always through social media but also through work. So their communication can be broad, not only via social media or telephone, but also their work.
Reporter: Sara Immaculata Terra Istinara
Writer: Fatimah Fauziah Gunawan
Editor: Michael Tan