Wake up with things in the right place
Hear a clunk of stuff from downstairs
Sounds so busy I wonder
Turns out it is my lover
I realize, they just ran a marathon
Calling me over to eat some croutons
Their sweat, the kitchen mess, and the breakfast they baked
It clicks to me as my sleepiness fades
We eat some and hang out
Out for a date, just us two
Forgetting there are others in this world
Since my mind is enticed with the thought of being with you
Having our favorite lunch at our favorite place
Then out for some desserts and games
Strolling around the grocery aisle
Until suddenly, we’ve had heaps of items
That we unconsciously took for each other
Because we know what each other like
We get home and magically turn the groceries into dinner.
Just joking, we cook it, of course, together
And eat it, also together
As we play our music
And have a conversation that I cherish
That’s my perfect day
It’s filled with you
Because you sound romantic
You feel romantic
You that is yet to become my reality
But at least for now, I can picture it
How it went inside my film reel mind
With each minute, not being wasted
Waiting for this scene to be played
As it is, after all, my perfect day
Author: Gregorius Beryl S.S.
Editor: Siti Aminah Intan Utami, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)
Illustrator: Ajeng Suci Hati