Yogyakarta (11/11/2021) – On November 5, 2021, the General Elections Commission of USD held a Swearing-In Ceremony for the 2021/2022 elected officials of English Letters Students’ Association via Zoom meeting, and live-streamed through Sastra Inggris USD Official’s YouTube channel and Instagram account. The ceremony was attended by USD officials, lecturers, members of the previous HMPSSING, the new committee of HMPSSING as well as the representatives from each UKPS in the English Letters Department.
The ceremony started with the opening speech of Mrs. Anna Fitriati as the Vice-Chairperson of the Faculty of Literature. In her speech, Mrs. Anna gave her appreciation toward the previous HMPSSING committee for their successful hard work in completing various programs despite the difficulties in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. She also hopes that the new generation of HMPSSING officials can complete their tasks in HMPS excellently without leaving their main tasks as college students.
The ceremony continues as Mr. Hirmawan Wijanarka gave his speech as the Head of the English Letters Department. He added that with the long history of how HMPS was built and maintained since its sporadic era in 1993, he hopes that the HMPS committee 2021/2022 are able to face and overcome the new challenges which are about to begin.
“The university has given signs that our learning activities might not be able to be exactly the same as the pre-pandemic situation. We cannot go 100% online in the near time (perhaps in the next 5-10 years). However, our university has started to plan what is known as flipped learning. Our learning activities will be separated into two parts. Half with the LMS system, Zoom, etc., and the other half will be held offline with maybe half the number of the students,” Mr. Hirmawan stated.
Then, the Head of the KPU Committee, Anastasia Srikandi, officially announced that the Swearing-In Ceremony is the last program held by the General Elections Commission of USD 2021. “I hope that the new HMPS officials can stay credible and thoughtful in carrying out their programs,” Anastasia said.
Clarissa Dominica, the chairperson of HMPSSING 2020/2021, gave her speech. She stated her appreciation for the successful work of the General Elections Commission of USD 2021 which leads to a remarkable election in the political history of the English Letters Department. In addition, she was thankful for the committee of HMPSSING 2020/2021 who has worked alongside her for the last year and has successfully stabilized the community after the Covid-19 outburst. Therefore, she expects that the new HMPS can continue to stabilize and even exceed the HMPS performance in the management year of 2020/2021.
After the opening speeches given by official figures of the English Letters Department, then comes the highlight of the event. The letter of the decision was read by Anastasia Srikandi as the Head of General Elections Commission, followed by the transition of power from HMPSSING officials 2020/2021 to the HMPSSING officials 2021/2022 symbolized by the handover of the HMPS flag from Clarissa Dominica to Nikolaus Herjuno as the elected leader of the new HMPSSING generation. Then, the ceremony continues with members of HMPS 2021/2022 coming to the stage and proudly declaring their oath as the new faces of the English Letters Students’ Association.

To close the ceremony, Nikolaus Herjuno as the chairperson of HMPPSSING 2021/2022 gave his speech. “We as the committee of HMPS 2021/2022 will continue to do our tasks optimally so that all the hard work done is not gone by time, and the values, as well as the culture grown in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University, can encourage the values taught by Ignatius Loyola in actualizing our vision and mission as HMPS for the greater glory of God. May all of the hard work which will be done by HMPS 2021/2022 and the whole academic community of English Letters Department be blessed by the Almighty,” Niko said.
Finally, he wrapped up the speech with “Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam”, the motto of Jesuit Foundation written in our university’s logo, which means “For the greater glory of God.”
Journalist : Agnes Seraphine
Editor : Cynthia Olga Handoko, Cherry Larissa Hendranata (QC)