Creative Writings Poem

Independence Day for Children


Her little hand gripped a knife

Chopping the tobacco leaves one by one

Her lungs rebelled

Longing for fresh air


His little hand gripped a shovel

The smell of smoke permeated his sackcloth

He saw his nails turn into teal

At nine, he was told to leave his childishness


Her childhood was sacrificed,

For bread to fill the stomach of her family

What was a doll?

She only knew how to operate machines


His childhood was sacrificed,

For the three coins given to his mother

What was a toy car?

He only knew how to shovel coals


She wanted to be a writer

But what she held was a looming needle

She asked her father,

Was my future just deprived?


He wanted to be a weightlifter athlete

But what he held was a sack of sand

He asked his mother,

Was my future just murdered?


Their cries were restrained

Work or starve another day

They saw their friends,

slump and die


Their inner groans awaken a new generation

Who can be their representative to demand rights

For a new era where they can shout:




Author: Dulce Cicilia Sariri

Editor: Yohana Satvika Wahyuveda, Ruth Tirza Arina (QC)

Illustrator: Ajeng Suci Hati

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