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English Letter Preparations for New Normal

Yogyakarta (31/03/2021) — The Head of English Letters Study Program, Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. said, “English Letters Department are ready at any time to face new normal learning.” Through the usage of new normal learning, hybrid classes will be conducted for students to join classes either through online or offline. As of right now, the exact time for the implementation of new normal learning are yet to be announced by the university.

Despite so, the preparations by English Letters to conduct new normal classes have reached its final stages. One of them being the purchase of camera for conducting hybrid classes. Hybrid classes will be used as the new method of learning during the new normal era because the method will create an opportunity for students in Jogja to be able to attend offline classes, while students outside Jogja can still join online classes.

Hirmawan also added, “However in attending the classes offline, there are certain protocols that should be noticed. One of them is the capacity of students that attend class should be no more than 50% of the class’ capacity”. He also advised that the protocols for Covid-19 such as washing hands, body temperature being under 38℃, and wearing a mask should be followed with discipline.

As for students that are not in Jogja, it is advised that they don’t come before the situation gets better in order to avoid risks of infection. If students outside Jogja still want to attend offline classes, Hirmawan explained that they will need an approval from these three components:

  • Parents (for students that are still under their parents’ parental responsibility) or self-willingness
  • Local government
  • University.

He further explained, “English Letters department still couldn’t estimate the exact implementation date for face-to-face learning. Thus, this semester, English Letters still chose to use online learning. If next semester’s condition becomes stable, the hybrid learning program will be conducted as planned.”  

Regarding English Letters’ agendas and activities, it is said that both can already be started as of now. However the execution of events will still need to be through online or hybrid.  

He also added that the protocols and other regulations for Covid-19 in the campus are based on Satgas Covid-19 USD. If there is a spread of Covid-19 during the teaching and learning activities, lockdown and further safety tests will be conducted. “This is why campus are being really cautious of face-to-face learning activity as they don’t want to make a new cluster,” said Hirmawan.

Ultimately, Hirmawan hopes that the Covid-19 pandemic can end soon as the pandemic is not only hard for students to cope with, but the lecturers also have various difficulties in getting accustomed to the environment of teaching through online classes.


Writer: Sara Immaculata Terra Istinara

Editor: Michael Tan

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