Current News

EDS Sadhar take their wins in SEADC 2021

Yogyakarta (17-19/06/2021) — EDS Sadhar acquired several victories from SEADC (Student English Activity English Debate Competition) 2021 on June 17th – 19th 2021. They had managed to achieve several categories; among them are 1st Runner Up, Semifinalist, 3rd Best Speaker and Best N1 Adjudicator.

The delegates of EDS Sadhar prepared their performance in debate by doing intensive training. Natasya Mariana as one of EDS delegates said, “SEADC is one our NUDC delegates team training to prepare for bigger competition that is NUDC (National University Delegates Championship) by Kemendikbud RI. So, we have been practicing since April.”

SEADC was held during  Sadhar’s  final exam that become one of the challenge that they faced.  Moreover with SEADC’s British Parliamentary debate system, it brought more tension. However EDS Sadhar believe in “anything can happen in British Parliamentary debate” mindset that’s why they able to do their best in SEADC competition. Also with their perseverance in intensive training, EDS Sadhar succeeds to win. The win category and the delegates are:

1. Sanata Dharma A as 1st Runner Up

2. Sanata Dharma B as semifinalist

3. Krisantus Danu as 3rd Best Speaker

4. Natasya Mariana as Best N1 Adjudicator

By their win, EDS Sadhar’s desire in debate realm is seen. They have some motivation that drives them to always join debate competition. “Our motivation to join debate competition is to practice our critical thinking and to speak up especially for Sasing scholar. Moreover EDS Sadhar also want to make Sasing Sadhar proud.”, said Natasya.

Even though one of their dream has been achieved, which is to win during this hard time in this pandemic, they still have lots of dreams that they want to achieve in the future. They hope that EDS Sadhar will be able to join international debate competition such as UADC (United Asian Debate Championship) dan WUDC (World University Debate Championship).

Reporter: Fatimah Fauziah

Writer: Sara Immaculata Terra I.

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

Major Project of ELAC : ELUC

Yogyakarta (28/05/2021) – Members of ELUC Kartika Purnomo and Elfrisa Rismonita explains the meaning of ELUC. So, what is ELUC? ELUC is the main work program of ELAC. The program aims to hold a conference or seminar organized by ELAC. (English Letters Undergraduate Conference). As for this year’s conference, it was conducted through a zoom meeting due to the pandemic situation. Last year the conference only for central java range ” but this year it has become a national seminar which is open to the public so anyone can take part in this seminar. The participants are usually from high school and university circles this year will be held in September.

ELUC has many themes, namely what areas include English Language and Literature. example:

  • contemporary rules,
  • language and literature in the digital era
  •  Language and Literature in environmental issues

This year’s ELUC theme is about English language and literature as media of communication during pandemic, and there are sub-themes: language and translation, digital literature, language on online platforms, etc. This year’s theme puts more emphasis on digital literature.

The purpose of holding this seminar is to deliver or provide a forum for students to present academic expressions they understand about various issues in the fields of linguistics and literature. So ELUC is a forum that presents papers to express their work, an opinion or something new to the listeners, with the hope that the recipient of the information will get something new to develop and grow it into something broader to others.

The hope or goal of the ELUC committee for the future, namely Hopefully ELUC will have value for its participants, continue to have new insights on this year’s theme and provide broad insights. Especially because this year’s theme is “English language and literature as media of communication during pandemic”, hopefully it can change the way people think that they are hindered by this pandemic so that their communication is not always through social media but also through work. So their communication can be broad, not only via social media or telephone, but also their work.


Reporter: Sara Immaculata Terra Istinara

Writer: Fatimah Fauziah Gunawan

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

SMM New Project: Podcast

Yogyakarta (28/05/2021) -Valerianus Yudhistira Aldi Nugroho (184214043), Chief of String Movie Maniac (SMM) said, “We made podcast to replace fraternity night and weekly movie night program. We chose podcasts because it can be adapted to the current situation.” In addition, SMM also chose to make podcasts because it is simpler than making a YouTube video, accessible to anyone, and because there is indeed hype among young people. Through this podcast, Yudhis hopes that SMM members can share their opinions about movies with certain genres and also build more intimacy between members.

Currently, the podcast is managed by Film-making Division. In fact, the Film-making Division was in charge of filmmaking, but for a while the job shifted to podcast making. In addition, SMM members did not have the chance to adjust the current division because the shift of lectures from offline to online was quite sudden.

This podcast is published on SMM’s Spotify every 2 weeks. The link is Until now, there have been 5 podcast episodes that have been posted on different topics. Podcast topics are determined from the film genre and the Filmmaking Division can determine the topic for each episode. “There are about 5 episodes. Topic of the first episode was romantic movie because it coincided with Valentine. For the second episode, the topic was fantasy, the third episode was thriller, the fourth episode was Sci-Fi, and the last one was Horror.” said Yudhis. The podcast itself was temporarily paused by the staffs because it coincided with the midterm exam.

String Movie Maniac does not target this podcast for certain circles. Podcasts that contain movie reviews are intended for the general public. However, for now, this podcast is still spread among students of English Literature at Sanata Dharma University only. Yudhis hopes in the future, this podcast can be heard by the wider community as well. Promotion of the podcast itself, Yudhis as the chief said that the plan will be carried out regularly through Instagram by all SMM administrators so that it can be distributed properly to the general public.

Because this podcast has not been distributed to the general public, the listener response itself is still not optimal. Yudhis also added, “Maybe because we use English too, sometimes it is still stiff and the delivery of the content is still lacking.” In addition, because lectures are still running online due to the pandemic, monitoring the program is also more difficult than offline.

Yudhis as the Chief of String Movie Maniac for the 2020/2021 period also hopes that this podcast will continue until the next stewardship period, and they can make new division in charge of managing podcasts. For his own stewardship period, he has a goal of publishing 12 podcast episodes and is now moving on to the sixth podcast which will be uploaded in the fourth week of June. “For my period, I’m targeting 10-12 episodes. I also hope this podcast will continue, he further added, this plan also depends on the new chairman. If this continues, hopefully a special division can be formed which handles podcasts.” he closed.


Reporter: Nathaniel Alvino R. Prima 

Writer: Theresia Paskah Prastiti 

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

Let’s Survive Strongly with “Let’s Start It”

(ELMO’s Latest Single)

Yogyakarta (31/05/2021) – English Letters Music Organization, well-known as ELMO, launched their latest single titled “Let’s Start It”. Those who participated in this single are the members from batch ’19. Rizki Aziz Irfansyah Patra and Erika Karina Alyadinda Br. Purba are taking over the vocal position, while Samuel Aristo is the bassist. Ridho Al’piero – The chairman of ELMO – is also participating to be a lead guitarist and David Aristo, on the other hand, is the rhythm guitarist. The keyboard and drum position was taken by the same person, In Sola Fide. This team just made an epic harmonization.

“Let’s Start It” was released around early January this year – 2021. January 1 was for the Music Video – taken in CV CEMERLANG TERUS JAYA Warehouse – and the single itself was on January 29. For this masterpiece, ELMO was given one month at that time, and yes, they greatly managed to finish all the things related to this project only within 3 weeks. What a great teamwork!

The chairman of ELMO – Ridho himself shares with us that the reason behind the title “Let’s Start It” chosen was due to its relation with the meaning of the song. “It’s like a persuasion to start doing something and prove that we can survive strongly to fight and did not give up facing a situation like the one that’s happening now– pandemic.” He tries to explain how this song is relatable to what happens around us nowadays.

Ridho and all the ELMO’s members hope that the listeners will love this song and understand the meaning of the song. “Not to be biased, but if I, myself, wasn’t a member of ELMO and the single-making team, as a music lover I would have said things like “Wow… Not bad” or like “Magnificent!” something like that, as the right expression to describe how I feel about this single. TMI, in the process of making it, I talk with my inner self like “yeah you’re gonna love it” so I hope you guys too.”

ELMO hopes that this song can motivate those who listen to this single to take great action and survive during this hard time. As Ridho said before the closing, “We are allowed to cry, it’s okay, but just do not give up.” So, let’s start support ELMO by enjoying their music legally on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, Deezer, Napster, Claro Mùsica, and Shazam. Let’s start it!


Reporter: Michael Surya Dikdaya Pradipta

Writer: Winda Amelia 

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

Book Launching “Plymouth, I’m coming” by Alumunus English Letters of Sanata Dharma, Niken Purwani



Cilacap (29/04/ 2021) — “This book has the uniqueness of a non-fiction story that looks like a fictional story”. Inspiring e-book titled “Plymouth, I’m coming” by Niken Purwani was officially launched. The launching and book talk was held by Gramedia Cilacap through Zoom platform. This book is about the journey of a honorary teacher, Niken, that has reached her dream to be in the land of Big Ben without paying a dime.

“Plymouth, I’m coming” is Niken’s second book that was successfully published after her first book titled “Inspiring Classroom Stories”. Her second book has its own identity compares to Niken’s first book. This book is in the form of a memoir that is packed with light language.  “I want my message to be deliver easily that’s why I didn’t use hard dictions. Moreover I want to tell my story to reader as a friend”, said Niken.

The events consisted of testimonial, impression, and background story of the book. The event was attended by many of people from the principal of SMAN 1 Cilacap until the BIP (Bhuana Ilmu Populer) Publisher manager.  The launching was held by Gramedia Cilacap’s team in collaboration with BIP publisher.

“There are so many mixed emotions from humorous until touched when I’m reading this book, just like reading a fictional story” said Rika Setiati as a project manager in one of NGO. The story is not only on the fun side, but also contains the struggle of Niken as teacher accompanying her 2 students in an exchange program at other parts of the world. The book has become an inspiration, not only to her friends and students, but also to readers in general.

Harris Setiajid as the writer of foreword in this book said, ”This book is not only easy to read, but also has several crucial issues such as her role of a wife in east culture, as muslimah and as a non-civil servant teacher”. He also added that the book is represented three magic words: dream, believe and make it happen. Niken is brave enough to have a big dream even though she has many obstacles. However she is also believe that someday it will come true with perseverance. Then eventually her dream is come true.

Niken hopes that people who read her book can help themselves to achieve their dream, especially for people who want to study abroad as “Plymouth, I’m Coming” can give you some new insight. Lastly, she leave a message to her reader, “Don’t be afraid to have a high dream, just do your best and pray, there will always be a way”.


Reporter: Fatimah Fauziah

Author: Sara Immaculata Terra I

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

The Exchange Course in Universitas Padjajaran

Yogyakarta (18/03/2021) –   Felisita Angelique Novena (194214189) shared with us her interesting student exchange experience in Universitas Padjajaran, which is currently still going fully online. In an online program by the public university based in Jatinangor, West Java, Vena is taking the course “Film & Literature” to enrich her references and expand her perspective as the particular course is also established in our home department. Vena elaborated that her impetus to join the exchange program is to experience a new academic atmosphere and gain connections since she believes that a mere academic pursuit would never be enough. “I suppose that a high GPA is not the utmost condition. To be accepted in this program, it is more on your (motivational) essays and portfolios, instead.” She told the reporters.

The most prominent benefit which is obtained through this opportunity, as Vena implied, is a perspective of comparison between the academic dynamic in the home department and the external institution. Positively, she added, that by being a representative in other campuses, we might as well promote English Letters Department USD as a whole. She also points out, again, that the ability to socialize and build connection is a key for personal development.

Vena further explained that she found the program initially from the information distributed in her class’ WhatsApp group. She, then decided to apply for the program called “Merdeka Belajar” through the link The documents which needed to be prepared include a passport photo, grades transcript, a copy of ID Card, and a motivation essay (in 250 words). All of the processes were conducted fully online, and Vena was assisted by the Head of Department and the Secretariat Office. As additional information, since last year, English Letters Department has sent some fellows to study online in Unpad. Before Vena, there are Terra Istinara, Tirza Kanya, and Nathaniel from batch 2018 who took “Gender & Literature” and “Theatre and Performance” respectively in the online program by Unpad.  

Despite the challenge she encounters to manage her time between the online course in Unpad and USD, she enjoys her whole exchange experience, especially the fact that the course and lecturer truly fits her.  She hopes, in the future, that her fellow English Letters students could join her in the exchange course. “It is very important to be confident at the very start. I believe everyone has an equal chance to join this program. You don’t necessarily have to be the brightest in academics to join this opportunity.” She closed.


Reporter: Theresia Paskah Prastiti

Author: Nathaniel Alvino R. Prima

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

STUDENT TALK EPS. 2: Sasing’s Job

Yogyakarta (18/04/2021) —Member of  HMPS Public Relations, Owena Zaneta said “Humas of English Letters have a new program called Sasing’s Job’’ Through the program, Humas invited and held a mini talk show with alumni and college students of English Letters to share information about their jobs, whether they were full-time or internships and the various challenges and problems they have experienced and how to deal with the problems job.

The purpose of Student Talk episode two is to provide information and an overview of the working world and the experiences from the alumni of English Letters. In other words, it aims to identify and strengthen English letters students, even during a pandemic situation where they cannot meet face to face and stay home. Thus, Student Talk is used so that the students of English literature can be dynamic and strengthen their friendship with one another, building an everlasting relationship that bemefits each other. Student Talk is also used to get information online between students of English Letters.

In taking the theme of the student talk program, it can take a theme outside of English Letters so that students of English Letters can get various topics, as well as inspiring information, as the Humas program is to educate students of English literature through the themes of the program. Owena Zaneta explained, “To carry out the Humas program, it takes one month to produce two themes’’.

The first reason why students and lecturers should watch a mini video talk show is because we should appreciate and support the hard work of Humas in English letters in implementing its work program which aims to educate students and lecturers of English literature through this Sasing talk program.

The last and most important reason why you have to watch the video mini talk show this program is because English Letters has a very interesting theme and of course can inspire, especially for English Letters students and also get very useful information, such as the theme, this time discussing different jobs. We as students of English Letters get direct knowledge from alumni about their experiences and problems in the world of work. So that after graduating from English Letters, we will at least have a little knowledge in the world of work. So what are you waiting for? Tune in to the video of this Sasing’s Job or you will miss out big time!


Reporter: Sara Immaculata Terra Istinara

Author: Fatimah Fauziah Gunawan

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

English Letter Preparations for New Normal

Yogyakarta (31/03/2021) — The Head of English Letters Study Program, Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. said, “English Letters Department are ready at any time to face new normal learning.” Through the usage of new normal learning, hybrid classes will be conducted for students to join classes either through online or offline. As of right now, the exact time for the implementation of new normal learning are yet to be announced by the university.

Despite so, the preparations by English Letters to conduct new normal classes have reached its final stages. One of them being the purchase of camera for conducting hybrid classes. Hybrid classes will be used as the new method of learning during the new normal era because the method will create an opportunity for students in Jogja to be able to attend offline classes, while students outside Jogja can still join online classes.

Hirmawan also added, “However in attending the classes offline, there are certain protocols that should be noticed. One of them is the capacity of students that attend class should be no more than 50% of the class’ capacity”. He also advised that the protocols for Covid-19 such as washing hands, body temperature being under 38℃, and wearing a mask should be followed with discipline.

As for students that are not in Jogja, it is advised that they don’t come before the situation gets better in order to avoid risks of infection. If students outside Jogja still want to attend offline classes, Hirmawan explained that they will need an approval from these three components:

  • Parents (for students that are still under their parents’ parental responsibility) or self-willingness
  • Local government
  • University.

He further explained, “English Letters department still couldn’t estimate the exact implementation date for face-to-face learning. Thus, this semester, English Letters still chose to use online learning. If next semester’s condition becomes stable, the hybrid learning program will be conducted as planned.”  

Regarding English Letters’ agendas and activities, it is said that both can already be started as of now. However the execution of events will still need to be through online or hybrid.  

He also added that the protocols and other regulations for Covid-19 in the campus are based on Satgas Covid-19 USD. If there is a spread of Covid-19 during the teaching and learning activities, lockdown and further safety tests will be conducted. “This is why campus are being really cautious of face-to-face learning activity as they don’t want to make a new cluster,” said Hirmawan.

Ultimately, Hirmawan hopes that the Covid-19 pandemic can end soon as the pandemic is not only hard for students to cope with, but the lecturers also have various difficulties in getting accustomed to the environment of teaching through online classes.


Writer: Sara Immaculata Terra Istinara

Editor: Michael Tan

Current News

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